IT Employment Expert Stephen Van Vreede Says You Don’t Have to Move to California To Get a Good Tech Job

Rochester, NY — Mar 26, 2015 — Stephen Van Vreede, CEO of ITtechExec, published a new blog post titled “You Don’t Have to Move to Silicon Valley to Get a Great Tech Job.” In the post, he discusses how the employment rate of New York IT professionals is increasing faster than the national average, noting that, while Silicon Valley’s paychecks are bigger, so is the cost of living.

Van Vreede says, “When you’re frustrated with your job search, it’s tempting to think of moving to an area where it seems like people are getting hired left and right. But the truth is, you don’t have to move to California to get your dream job. In fact, there are several good reasons why you shouldn’t.”

Stephen Van Vreede is a personal brand strategist, certified resume writer, job search agent, and the CEO and owner of ITtechExec. Stephen has 10 years of experience in employment strategy and 8 years of corporate management experience. He holds an M.B.A. in Marketing from Villanova University.

Read the entire article here.

About ITtechExec:

ITtechExec is a new kind of full-service employment agency that combines resume writing, portfolio building, and job search solutions to launch extraordinary tech careers in the 21st century job market. CEO and Executive Solutions Guide Stephen Van Vreede created ITtechExec in 2001, using his background of personal branding and corporate management to create a multi-pronged approach that gets results. ITtechExec serves as the job seeker and career changer’s trusted adviser, helping them make the best of the careers they’ve built and guiding them into the professional futures they desire.


Posted Under: Stephen Van Vreede