IT Employment Expert Stephen Van Vreede Says Don’t Bother Perfecting Your Resume Until Your Cover Letter Is A Knockout

Rochester, NY — Jul 28, 2015 — Stephen Van Vreede, CEO of ITtechExec, published a new article titled “Don’t Make These Cover Letter Faux Pas.” In the article, he explains the top five biggest mistakes people make when writing their cover letters, stating that even perfect resumes can’t succeed without the help of an effective cover letter.

Stephen Van Vreede photoVan Vreede says, “In the world of hiring, there’s a lot of attention paid to writing the perfect resume. Especially for those of us who are better at coding than writing, getting the resume help we need can be a crucial step on our career path. But for every perfect resume in the world, there seems to be at least double the amount of lackluster cover letters. That’s because people don’t understand that a resume isn’t just a resume — the cover letter is part of the package, too. This is to say: your cover letter should never be an afterthought.”

Stephen Van Vreede is a personal brand strategist, certified resume writer, job search agent, and the CEO and owner of ITtechExec. Stephen has 10 years of experience in employment strategy and 8 years of corporate management experience. He holds an M.B.A. in Marketing from Villanova University.

Read the entire article here.

About ITtechExec:

ITtechExec is a new kind of full-service employment agency that combines resume writing, portfolio building, and job search solutions to launch extraordinary tech careers in the 21st century job market. CEO and Executive Solutions Guide Stephen Van Vreede created ITtechExec in 2001, using his background of personal branding and corporate management to create a multi-pronged approach that gets results. ITtechExec serves as the job seeker and career changer’s trusted adviser, helping them make the best of the careers they’ve built and guiding them into the professional futures they desire.



Posted Under: Stephen Van Vreede