Category: Stephen Van Vreede
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede explains how tech and IT job candidates can make the most of video interviews by being fully prepared for their particular set of benefits and challenges.
Written by admin on May 22, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede talks about TechHire, the Obama administration’s answer to the 500,000 high-paying job openings in the tech and IT fields.
Written by admin on May 18, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede explains how finding the ultimate recruiter means not waiting to be found, but actively seeking recruiters out while also making oneself easier to find.
Written by admin on May 11, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede discusses how with IBM’s recent $3B investment in an Internet of Things division, IT and tech employees can expect to see more and more job openings for specialists in the coming months.
Written by admin on April 30, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede recommends that all IT and tech employees have a mentor, but cautions them away from forcing mentoring relationships with strangers or loose contacts.
Written by admin on April 12, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede shares the benefits of staying local during an IT or tech job hunt depending on your state.
Written by admin on April 7, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede advises tech and IT employees to prepare in advance for mergers and acquisitions by staying up-to-date and having a financial plan.
Written by admin on March 30, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede recommends that with coding ranked as the #1 sought after skill set, all IT and tech professionals should consider brushing up on their computer coding expertise.
Written by admin on March 25, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede discusses the changing tenures of employment in the IT world and how to know for sure when it’s time to move on.
Written by admin on March 2, 2015
CEO of ITtechExec Stephen Van Vreede explains how now that employees log more time at work, they are also driven to find careers they are actually passionate about integrate into life rather than becoming a separate category.
Written by admin on February 26, 2015