Tax Resolution Attorney John P. Willis Warns About The Dangers of Making Multiple Small Bank Deposits
Tax resolution attorney John Willis, CEO and founder of talks about a government act developed to snag terrorists and those suspected of money laundering and fraud, that also allows the IRS to target small business owners. And steal their assets.
Fairhope, AL, January 26, 2015: Tax Attorney John Willis, CEO and founder of, recently published a new article on his website entitled “Did You Know the IRS Has Permission to Steal From Small Businesses?” Putting money in the bank has always been something to celebrate, especially for small, struggling businesses. John Willis’s new article makes a case for being cautious about making deposits.
Willis asks, “Have you ever made a series of deposits to your business account in a week or two that adds up to $10,000?” It’s not an unlikely scenario. Willis follows up with, “If you’ve done this on more than one or two occasions, you could be a target on the IRS Civil Assets Seizure list. That’s right, innocent you who has always played by the rules.”
What most business owners are not aware of as Willis states is that, “The IRS can freeze and seize assets legally without letting you know they are doing so. If checks start bouncing and you know you’re supposed to have money in the bank, you could be in for one of the most unpleasant rides of your life.”
The worst bit of news for innocent business owners is, as Willis points out, “The burden of responsibility is not on the IRS to prove criminal activity of the account holder. The burden of responsibility is on the small business owner to prove to the IRS that they are not guilty of criminal behavior or intent.” And to add injury to insult, Willis writes, “The IRS is not obligated to return the funds even if the business is found innocent. And they never do return the assets. So, even with the best legal representation, chances are not in your favor.”
According to Willis, “When the U.S. Government gives itself permission to legally steal from American businesses there’s something terribly wrong. You can kiss your money and very often your business good-bye. So far no one who has tried to take the IRS to task has won. Just be mindful of how and when you make deposits into your business accounts. Avoid making multiple deposits adding up to $10,000 or more in less than a month’s timeframe.”
The entire article can be read here.
Mr. Willis believes strongly in supporting and representing the “underdog” and has devoted his entire professional life to protecting and defending those who need it most. As an attorney, Mr. Willis takes his role as “counselor” seriously. His knowledge, creativity and persistence are valuable assets that provide substantial benefits to his clients. He has represented individuals and businesses across the Gulf Coast for over 15 years and he brings together an abundance of skills and experience that can be of assistance to almost anyone.
The IRSALLSTAR team has developed a winning formula to ensure that each client’s individual needs are specifically met. Upon becoming a client of Mr. Willis’ law firm, that client’s immediate needs are assessed and long-term goals are defined. Experienced professionals on the IRSALLSTAR team then assist each client in developing and implementing a custom-tailored game plan to provide both short-term and long-term relief from his or her serious tax problems. All firm clients are continually coached toward successful tax resolution and final victory over their challenges with the IRS and state taxing authorities. The entire blog can be found at
To learn more about Mr. Willis and his law firm please visit or call toll-free 877-254-4254.