Tag: CelebrityPress

Marketing Consultant Michele PW Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release “Women Who Mean Business”

Michele PW, marketing consultant and direct response copywriter, recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business book publishing company, along with other leading experts to release the book, “Women Who Mean Business.” Prescott, Ariz. – January 24, 2012 – Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) and a select group of leading businesswomen from around […]

Written by on January 24, 2012

Health Coach and Author Justine SanFilippo Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Justine SanFilippo, Health and Wellness coach, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health, Fitness and Nutrition.” Austin, TX – January 23, 2012 – Justine SanFilippo, Health Coach and Personal Trainer, and […]

Written by on January 23, 2012

Fitness and Wellness Expert Warren Martin Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Warren Martin, fitness expert and coach, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health Fitness and Nutrition.” Conway, Ark. – January 20, 2012 – Warren Martin, Founder of WM Fitness, and a […]

Written by on January 20, 2012

Integrative Medicine Expert Dr. Amelia Case Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release “Women Who Mean Business”

Dr. Amelia Case, natural health care advocate, recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business book publishing company, along with other leading experts to release the book, “Women Who Mean Business.” Chicago, Ill. – January 19, 2012 – Dr. Amelia Case, Founder of Universal Health Institute, and a select group of leading businesswomen […]

Written by on January 19, 2012

Health And Wellness Expert Lisa Fox Bail Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Lisa Fox Bail, Human Movement Specialist, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health Fitness and Nutrition.” Dover Centre, Ontario – January 19, 2012 – Lisa Fox Bail, owner of Health Appeal, […]

Written by on January 19, 2012

Yoga Fitness Expert Michael Coleman Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Michael Coleman, Asian movement and exercise expert, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health Fitness and Nutrition.” Milwaukee, Wis. – January 19, 2012 – Michael Coleman, health and exercise coach, and […]

Written by on January 19, 2012

Fitness Expert Mallory Cargile Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Mallory Cargile, fitness nutrition coach and personal trainer, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health Fitness and Nutrition.” Tuscaloosa, Ala. – January 19, 2012 – Mallory Cargile, owner of Tuscaloosa Adventure […]

Written by on January 19, 2012

Busy Mom Fat Loss Expert Holly Rigsby Hits Amazon.com Best Seller List With “The Fit Formula”

Holly Rigsby, The Fit Yummy Mummy, recently hit five Amazon.com best-seller lists, internationally, with the new book “The Fit Formula.” Louisville, KY – January 18, 2012 – Holly Rigsby, Founder of FitYummyMummy.com, recently joined a select group of the world’s leading health and fitness entrepreneurs to co-write the book titled, The Fit Formula. The book […]

Written by on January 18, 2012

Author and Attorney Hanna Hasl-Kelchner and CelebrityPress To Release Champions

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, The No Nonsense Lawyer™, has teamed with CelebrityPress, a leading business, marketing and health book publishing company, along with other Celebrity Experts® from across the country to release the book, “Champions”. Chapel Hill, NC. –January 18, 2012 – Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, author and business law expert, and a select group of America’s leading experts […]

Written by on January 18, 2012

Holistic Health Expert Camille Scielzi Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Wellness Code

Camille Scielzi, holistic health expert, has signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading health book publishing company, along with other leading health and wellness experts to release “The Wellness Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Health Fitness and Nutrition.” Socorro, NM – January 16, 2012 – Camille Scielzi, the Take Action Guru™, and a select […]

Written by on January 16, 2012