Sales Success Catalyst, Entrepreneur and Author, Mark Tosoni Offers Powerful Way to Lower Prospect’s Guard.
ARLINGTON, TX– May 26, 2015 – Mark Tosoni, sales success catalyst, entrepreneur and author recently posted a new article on his website entitled “Selling the Guard-Down Way.” in which he discusses his method for melting resistance.
Tosoni launches into his article saying, “If you’re wondering what “guard-down” selling is stay with me here as I explain it and how it can catapult you to a six-figure income and beyond.” He continues, “This philosophy and technique that I’ve put together forms the style I refer to as ” The Tosoni Guard-Down Selling Method.”
According to Tosoni, “It’s a powerful method that packs a serious punch. I like to call it the mixed martial arts of selling because it produces amazing results.”
Referring to his upcoming book called “Six Figure Commission Sales Secrets”, Tosoni state, “I reveal what I have come to believe is our number one competitor. That competitor is distrust. With distrust comes what I call “the Guard” or the part of your customer that is determined to block you and your efforts to persuade them to your way of thinking.”
Offering an example, Tosonis says, “Picture a prospect sitting in front of you with arms folded in a defiant or protective gesture. Or if you’re sitting at the table they refuse to sit down. You get the picture? So how do we deal with this? While I have many remedies, today I’ll give you one ironclad way to get people’s guard to come down. You do it with the power of your intention.”
Tosoni goes on to write, “You can intentionally change the energy that you are transmitting and begin to send out an intention to be of service, an intention of creating value and of making a difference in the lives of those you come in contact with.” He asks, “Who do you think will be more warmly received and more apt to bring someone’s guard down long enough to speak about something you can offer that can enhance the lives of those you are in front of
The entire article can be read at
About Mark Tosoni
Mark Tosoni is a sales success expert and a reputed master at selling and teaching others to sell alarm systems. With a career spanning over 2 1/2 decades, having built and sold 3 million-dollar-companies by age 40 he is currently running his 4th in the alarm industry. His success with these companies comes down to inspiring people to create a vision and purpose for their life bringing them into their highest potential. Mark is the go-to guy when it comes to developing six figure rock star alarm sales pros. He accomplishes this through his powerful ” sales success” group and one-on-one coaching. He has done over 2000 trainings throughout his career. He is considered by many the best coach and sales trainer in the alarm industry largely due to his psychologically based sales approach and what he calls the ” success triangle” which consists of your skill-set, your mindset and your God-set, along with a healthy philosophy of selling. Mark’s keys to success and making money are Hidden Sales Success Secrets he discovered, which when implemented, will create a bigger, fatter paycheck with less effort. By engaging in his coaching programs, Mark Tosoni can take your 5-figure paycheck and quickly turn it into 6 figures.