Ryan Paul Adams Helps Remodeling Businesses Across The U.S. Win New Customers And Accelerate Profits
Remodeling Industry Marketing Expert’s Company PME 360 Has Innovative Online Strategies That Create Powerful Traffic/Lead Generation Solutions –Starting With a Free Consultation!
Scarborough, ME – February 17, 2015 – Growing up in the small town of Sanford, Maine, Ryan Paul Adams was always driven to be the best at everything he tried. A natural-born baseball player, he spent summer and winter nights in his family garage swinging the bat 200 times a night – and later, attending the University of Southern Maine, was scouted by major league teams because of his 93 mph fastball.
Adams also had a powerful entrepreneurial spirit from the get go, starting at age 12 when he started his first business while he continued with other youthful enterprises. Though he didn’t initially envision becoming part of his dad’s remodeling and home business (the still in existence Built By Adams), he grew up learning it all – painting, drywall, putting in hardwood floors, interior trim work – and became a full-time employee of the company after college, when a broken ankle and other injuries led to the end of his athletic career. Developing an expertise in online and offline marketing, along with a distinctive selling proposition and unique guarantee, he was instrumental in the growth of Built By Adams.
Those who read Adams’ practical yet empowering 2013 book “7 Secrets To Achieving Rapid Growth in Your Remodeling Business…And How You Can Crush It Online” get the fascinating and inspiring story of the ups and downs which led the Portland, Maine based visionary to create PME 360, his thriving Marketing Agency for Remodeling businesses.
Driven by two key multi-faceted solution systems, the Remodeler’s Edge® Lead Engine and the Power Local Pro® Traffic and Lead Generation System, the company’s mission is to help remodeling and home building clients generate demand, attract leads and win new customers. Clients look to PME 360 for expert assistance in online marketing, specifically systems for attracting and converting business leads cost effectively. Pursuant to that, Adams also offers one on one consulting.
Like any great entrepreneur, Adams was willing to take a huge risk to build a great future, financially and otherwise, for his family. Just after his wife quit her job and had their first baby, he bought an existing marketing agency, built a quality team and showed profits after only a year. Within 24 months, they were bringing in upwards of $50,000 per month. All told, over the past nine years, he’s worked with and consulted over 200 remodeling, home building and home business services, helping them all build better businesses through his innovative systems.
Adams sums up his full service approach with his clients and entire philosophy on making key breakthroughs when he says, “No great entrepreneur has achieved great success without great failure. I have failed, succeeded, failed again, and succeeded again. It’s not from your successes that you learn the most; it’s from your failures. You learn the fastest from those ideas, clients and business deals that didn’t work out. The key is not to repeat your mistakes and have the ability to leap two steps forward each time you are knocked one step back. That is what I have been able to do and what I have taught my clients to do as well.”
Adams’s book covers seven key areas that he believes are at the core of his clients’ success. They are summed up in the following strategy based chapter titles: Identify Yourself: Find Seal and Deliver Your Niche; USP (Unique Selling Proposition): Crush It With Uniqueness and Kill It With a Great Guarantee; Content: If the Prince Had Good Content, He Would Be King; Local Search: Discover How Important a “NAP” really is; SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Organic and Paid SEO Can Change Your life; Reputation Marketing and Getting a Rep online; and Stay Connected: Automate Your Follow up.
Adams’ keen ability to solve complicated marketing problems for remodeling businesses – and helping them grow no matter what the economy is doing – has led many of his clients to consider him their “unfair advantage” against the competition. To that end, PME 360 doubled their revenue last year and is looking for the same kind of growth in 2015.
Visit www.PME360.com today to learn more or download a free copy of Adams’ book and course at www.PME360.com/7Secrets.