Promotional Marketing Expert, Danette Gossett, Fears Business Owners Are Missing Opportunities To Memorably Stay In Touch With Clients And Prospects.
Owner and President of Gossett Marketing, a leading promotional marketing firm, Danette Gossett, encourages her readers to find ways of staying in touch with clients and prospects that take advantage of the pandemic restrictions to the benefit of everyone involved. She gives a fun example of how one business did it.
MIAMI, FL– February 26, 2021 – Danette Gossett, Founder of Gossett Marketing Communications, Inc., Co-Founder of Promotions Resource, LLC, and co-author of the best-selling book, Transform, recently posted a new article on her website entitled, “How To Memorably Stay In Touch With Clients.” Ms. Gossett is a treasure trove of promotional marketing ideas and comes through with more ideas in her latest article.
Gossett poses a question, “Are businesses missing out on opportunities to stay in touch with customers and clients in meaningful ways because of the pandemic?” She answers, “I fear we are.” She continues adding, “I think the real question is, “are we putting our thoughts into how we can use the pandemic to our advantage as well as to the advantage of our customers?”
Gossett writes, “I love the following example I came across at Harvard Business The author, writing about unexpected efficiencies that have come about from lock downs and remote work, shared an experience during the height of the pandemic that came with his family’s take-out dinner at a local restaurant. “Along with our dinner, we received a roll of toilet paper branded with the restaurant’s logo, which was an incredibly valuable and unexpected add-on at that time.”
“Brilliant!” Gossett exclaims. She goes on to say, “The restaurant had an excess of toilet paper since no one could dine in. So they got creative and cultivated repeat business by giving take-out customers something hard to come by at the time. And it was branded with their logo!”
Gossett goes on to share a flurry of ideas after establishing that, “Since COVID-19 put us into lockdown and social distancing, every business is saving money on travel expenses. So it’s high time to get super creative with staying in touch with your clients.”
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About Danette Gossett
Danette brings more than 40 years of experience developing advertising campaigns, direct marketing programs and sales promotions to her clients. Prior to starting her companies, she worked for New York advertising agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi & Lowe Marschalk. Her corporate experience included National Advertising Director for Avis Rent a Car Systems, Inc., and Director of Marketing Services for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line.
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About Gossett Marketing
Gossett Marketing is celebrating its 28th year as a promotional marketing agency. We strive to become your partner in business, not just another vendor. We approach every project utilizing our more than 40 years of New York advertising agency and corporate marketing experience to bring creative solutions to all your promotional marketing needs. We know how to drive results with promotional marketing programs. We strive to understand your brand strategy and will ensure your message integrity.