Personal Injury Attorney, Eva Brindisi Pearlman, Opposes the Defunding of
Utica, NY, March 20, 2015: Personal Injury attorney Eva Brindisi Pearlman, partner at the Law Offices of Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman has posted a new blog on the law offices website entitled “Why We Must Oppose the Defunding of”
According to Pearlman, “Finding a competent doctor could soon become more difficult for New York State residents.” The reason she states is that, “Governor Cuomo, as part of his state budget proposal last month, argued the information contained on the website is now available elsewhere on the Internet on private sites such as WebMD or Healthgrades and that scrapping the site would save taxpayers $1.2 million a year.”
According to Pearlman, “This website is an important and valuable resource for finding relevant information regarding any doctor that is registered in New York State. If a doctor you are considering scheduling an appointment with has had a history of malpractice litigation, it is important to know that upfront. is where patients can go to review the doctor’s medical education, if there is or has been any history of malpractice- litigation, any involuntary loss or restriction of hospital privileges among other important and relevant information.”
Pearlman notes, “According to New York State Department of Health spokeswoman Monica Mahaffey in a recently published article in Modern Healthcare, the website had “about 35,000 unique visitors in December.”
Pearlman calls for New York residents to take action, call their legislators and urge them to oppose the defunding of the site. She writes, “The budget proposal now goes before state legislators, who must adopt a spending plan by March 31st. This vote will determine whether or not the website will be defunded and dismantled in order to save $1.2 million.” She even provides telephone numbers for members of the New York State legislative body.
The entire blog can be found here
About Eva Brindisi Pearlman
Eva Brindisi Pearlman, was born in Utica, New York. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York, in 1986. She also graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, Virginia, in 1989. After law school, Ms. Pearlman continued her education and graduated with a Masters of Law in Taxation (LLM) from University of Baltimore, Maryland, Graduate Tax Program, in 1993.
Ms. Pearlman moved back to Central New York in 1997 to join a family practice founded by her father, Louis T. Brindisi. She is currently practicing law as a partner at the law firm of Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman, LLP.
Ms. Pearlman practices in the field of civil litigation, with an emphasis on personal injury law. Ms. Pearlman has handled thousands of civil cases and has secured millions of dollars in settlements for her clients, many of which have been won through participating in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediations and arbitrations.
About Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman
The Nationally recognized Attorneys at Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman are experienced in all aspects of serious personal injury litigation. Their combined 90 years of experience means you’ll receive the compensation you deserve.