President/CEO of Total Financial Resource Group, Inc., Brad Creger on Disability Planning

Brad Creger, author and President/CEO of Total Financial Resource Group, Inc. relates the personal experiences that have led him to value and implement proper disability planning as part of every well thought-out financial plan.

PASADENA, CA., May 12, 2016: President/CEO of Total Financial Resource Group, Inc., Brad Creger, posted a new blog on his website entitled, What Do You Consider Your Most Valuable Asset?” According to Creger, “If you’re like most people you probably consider either your home or income-producing investments as your greatest assets.” He continues adding, “However, I’m going to ask you to reconsider that typical answer.”

B CregerThis is how Creger sees it. “If you are employed, I would argue that your ability to earn an income is your most valuable asset.” He asks readers to consider, “If your income were to come to an end, what would happen?” His experience has shown him that, “Many people would be unable to pay their bills, care for their families or save for their retirement.”

“Are you aware,” asks Creger, “that the risk of becoming disabled is much greater than the risk of premature death?” He adds, “Cancer continues to be a leading cause of long-term disability claims, but interestingly normal pregnancies are the leading cause of short-term disabilities.” Creger states, “I don’t consider a planned absence due to a normal pregnancy as a “disability” but many disability policies do.”  

The entire blog can be read at

About Total Financial Resource Group, Inc.

Total Financial Resource Group, Inc. (TFRG) is a diversified financial services company dedicated to planning, coordinating and implementing the tax, legal and financial affairs for a select group of families and business owners that have typically had substantial planning already done.The difference between just having it done and having TFRG involved is significant. TFRG is devoted to Simplifying The ComplexTM  for those families who have been invited to join the TFRG family.

About Brad Creger

Brad is currently the President/CEO of Total Financial Resource Group, Inc (TFRG), an independent diversified financial services firm with their main offices located in Pasadena, CA. He is also the co-author of The Soul of Success with Jack Canfield and Uncommon featuring Brian Tracy.

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