Personal Injury Attorney, Eva Brindisi Pearlman, Reports on Current Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse.
Utica, NY, February 24, 2015: Personal Injury Attorney Eva Brindisi Pearlman, partner at the Law Offices of Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman has posted a new article on the law offices website entitled “Is Someone You Love Being Neglected or Abused in A Nursing Home?” Under the best of circumstances it’s never easy to put a loved one in a nursing home.
Ms. Pearlman acknowledges this stating, “One of the most difficult decisions many adults must make as their parents age is should they put their parents into a nursing home? Often elder loved ones require round-the-clock care that their children simply cannot provide.”
She also recognizes the difficulty of finding quality care, pointing out that, “We have all heard stories of nursing home negligence and abuse, which makes us even more worried about whether our loved ones will be safe.”
A long history of elder abuse certainly helped in bringing these abusive circumstances to light, as Pearlman elaborates, “Nearly 40 years ago, during the 1980’s alarming numbers of nursing home neglect and abuse cases surfaced. This motivated Congress to pass the Nursing Home Reform Act in 1987.” Laws and regulations do make it easier to determine compliance, and Pearlman reports, “As a result, any nursing home or long-term care facility receiving federal funds must comply with very specific laws and regulations detailing the type and quality of care that residents in these facilities must receive.”
However, it’s important to remember as Pearlman points out, “even with federal and state laws and regulations protecting nursing home patients, there is no guarantee that your loved ones will be safe. Therefore, we need to be pro active on behalf of our loved ones in nursing homes if we suspect abuse or neglect.”
Pearlman elaborates on the signs of abuse. She writes, “If your loved one has bruises or bed sores or seems to be in pain and a nursing home staff member dismisses them or does not provide an adequate explanation as to what has occurred, you should always look more deeply into the circumstances.” She adds, “The appearance of bruises may be signs of abuse and bedsores can indicate inadequate care for the resident’s skin, improper nutrition or failure to frequently reposition residents with limited mobility.”
“Other signs of abuse or neglect,” writes Pearlman, “can often be subtle and more difficult to see. These include insufficient food and water, insufficient bathing, failure to change the resident’s undergarments in a timely manner if toileting is an issue, failure to supply adequate bathing supplies such as shampoo and soap, failure to properly assist the resident who needs help bathing, eating, walking, etc, and verbal abuse.”
Pearlman encourages, “If you suspect your loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home, please call Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi and Pearlman. Elder abuse is a crime. Our elders must be cherished and cared for properly and given the dignity they so richly deserve.”
The entire article can be found
About Eva Brindisi Pearlman
Eva Brindisi Pearlman, was born in Utica, New York. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from LeMoyne College, Syracuse, New York, in 1986. She also graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, Virginia, in 1989. After law school, Ms. Pearlman continued her education and graduated with a Masters of Law in Taxation (LLM) from University of Baltimore, Maryland, Graduate Tax Program, in 1993.
Ms. Pearlman moved back to Central New York in 1997 to join a family practice founded by her father, Louis T. Brindisi. She is currently practicing law as a partner at the law firm of Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman, LLP.
Ms. Pearlman practices in the field of civil litigation, with an emphasis on personal injury law. Ms. Pearlman has handled thousands of civil cases and has secured millions of dollars in settlements for her clients, many of which have been won through participating in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediations and arbitrations.
About Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman
The Nationally recognized Attorneys at Brindisi, Murad, Brindisi & Pearlman are experienced in all aspects of serious personal injury litigation. Their combined 90 years of experience means you’ll receive the compensation you deserve.