Personal Branding Experts Nick Nanton and JW Dicks Hit Best Seller List

Nick Nanton, Esq., The Celebrity Lawyer and Agent To Celebrity Experts, along with JW Dicks, Esq., business strategist and personal branding expert, recently hit three separate best-seller lists with the new marketing book “Win! 35 Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs.”

Orlando, Fla. – September 29, 2011 – Co-founders of the Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency and best-selling authors, Nick Nanton, Esq., The Celebrity Lawyer and Agent to Celebrity Experts and JW Dicks, Esq., America’s Foremost Expert on Personal Branding for Business Development, recently joined a select group of leading experts on a broad array of subjects, from around the world to co-write the forthcoming book titled, Win! 35 Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs. The book was released under Dicks and Nanton’s CelebrityPress™ imprint, a leading business and marketing book publisher.

Win! 35 Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs was released on Thursday, September 22, 2011 and features top advice from some of the most successful experts from around the world.  The authors share business strategies and real-life solutions that can help others in the new and rapidly changing economy.  Nick and JW contributed a chapter titled “The Business Trifecta & The Magic Formula For Media Success.”

On the day of release, Win! 35 Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Entrepreneurs reached best-seller status in three separate categories.  The book reached #1 in the Direct Marketing category. It also reached best-seller status in the Entrepreneurship and Business Management categories.

Nick Nanton, Esq. is known as “The Celebrity Agent” for his role in developing and marketing business and professional experts into Celebrity Experts in their field, through personal branding, to help them gain credibility and recognition for their accomplishments. Nick’s expertise on branding and marketing has been sought out and featured in the Los Angeles Times, Orlando Sentinel, The Chicago Tribune, The California Chronicle,,, USA Today, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, along with NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX affiliates around the country.

JW Dicks is one of America’s leading experts on using personal branding to build a business.  JW emphasizes branding, and the importance of online marketing and social media to his clients and gives them strategies to expand their business in the current economy.

From CelebrityPress:

Everyone loves to WIN. Winning connotes a competitive spirit, a rise to the top, and that supreme feeling of accomplishment. Mankind has posted gains throughout history and these exemplify the victory of a WIN! So… “What are we winning in this book?” This book uses the benchmarks of Health, Wealth and Success as three targets for Winning. We have therefore included a select group of people who have surmounted the pinnacle of these lofty peaks …men and women that can look back down the mountain and say, “I did it!” Regardless of how you ‘slice it and dice it,’ the chapters in this book give you inside traits, habits and actions of successful achievers in an enjoyable read. If you have a desire to join them, you can read, scrutinize and copy the methods and thinking that these WINNERS have developed to help get you there. The plans and strategies in this book are many and varied. Each chapter is characterized by focus, discipline and substance. Follow the Celebrity Experts, adopt tested and proven winning strategies in your life and be… A WINNER!!!

To order a copy of the book, go to

For more information on JW Dicks, visit

To learn more about Nick Nanton, visit

About Celebrity Press™:

Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron LeGrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit

Posted Under: Celebrity Branding Agency, CelebrityPress, Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency, JW Dicks, Win!