Search Results for: soul of success

Swypit President Kevin Hodes featured on Bravo as Guest on Hollywood Live

Kevin Hodes was recently seen on Bravo and A&E around the country as a guest on Hollywood Live Orlando, FL – April 12, 2016— Kevin Hodes, President of Swypit, was recently featured as a guest on Hollywood Live. The show was filmed in Los Angeles, California in the penthouse of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, overlooking Hollywood Boulevard.  Kevin Hodes […]

Written by on April 12, 2016

Work Life Balance Expert Susan Sly Releases New Episode on the Topic of Burnout on Her Step Into Your Power™ Podcast

Speaker, Entrepreneur and Best-Selling Author Susan Sly has released a new podcast addressing the issue of burnout and how to overcome its effects. Scottsdale, AZ. — April 7, 2016— Best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Susan Sly tackles the topic of burnout in her latest podcast and shares with her audience 8 key strategies to deal […]

Written by on April 7, 2016

Balanced Living Expert Susan Sly Reveals “Life Hacks” for Improved Time Management and Better Work Life Balance

Best-selling author, time management expert, and work life balance specialist Susan Sly explores popular productivity method – the Pomodoro Technique – and the Draugiem Group Study. Scottsdale, AZ — April 6, 2016 — Best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Susan Sly recently published a new article, “Life Hacks for Time Management and Increased Productivity to Achieve Work […]

Written by on April 6, 2016

Balanced Living Expert Susan Sly Concludes 3 Part Series on Leadership Development – Whether Leaders Are Born or Made – by Examining The “Leaders Are Made” Argument

Best-Selling Author Susan Sly concludes this leadership development series by exploring the “leaders are made” argument in response to the question as to whether leaders are born with these qualities or whether they are developed over time. Scottsdale, AZ. — March 30, 2016 — Best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Susan Sly recently published the last article in […]

Written by on March 30, 2016

Balanced Living Expert Susan Sly Continues 3 Part Series on Leadership Development – Whether Leaders Are Born or Made – by Examining The “Leaders Are Born” Argument

Best-Selling Author Susan Sly continues leadership development series by exploring the “leaders are born” argument in response to the question as to whether leaders are born with these qualities or whether they are developed over time. Scottsdale, AZ — March 23, 2016 — Best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Susan Sly recently published a new article, “Leadership Development: […]

Written by on March 23, 2016


Swypit CEO Kevin Hodes offers strategies for increasing traffic to your website and attracting potential customers. Frisco, TX – March 15, 2016 – Kevin Hodes, CEO of Swypit has published a new article entitled “Growing Your Online Presence, Growing Your Online Orders.” In the article, he discusses the importance developing a clear and strong brand through […]

Written by on March 21, 2016

Balanced Living Expert Susan Sly Launches 3 Part Series on Leadership Development – Whether Leaders Are Born or Made – by Examining the Qualities of A True Leader

Best-Selling Author Susan Sly launches leadership development series by exploring the qualities of leadership and presents the question as to whether leaders are born with these qualities or whether they are developed over time. Scottsdale, AZ. — March 16, 2016 — Best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur Susan Sly recently published a new article, “Leadership Development: What […]

Written by on March 16, 2016