Nilo A. Hernandez, Jr., DDS, DICOI, Owner of Smilecreator Of Naples Talks About The Millions Of Americans Who Fear Going To The Dentist.
Nilo Hernandez, Jr., DDS, DICOI, best-selling co-author of the book, The Will To Win, with Brian Tracy, and owner of the Smilecreator of Naples, writes about the frightening and very possibly deadly results that can result from having a phobia of going to the dentist.
Naples, FL, October 31, 2019: Owner and CEO of Smilecreator of Naples, Dr. Nilo Hernandez, Jr., DDS, has posted a new article on his website entitled, “A Fear Of Going To The Dentist Can Lead To Many Frightening Diseases,” in which Dr. Hernandez reveals the deadly and scary diseases that are associated with periodontal disease.
Dr. Hernandez states, “October is the month when Americans look forward to the very last day of the month. On this day children of every age (read adults) love to dress up as scary ghosts, goblins and witches among other less frightening creatures. The children go from door to door ‘trick-or-treating’ gathering up sacks full of candy.”
Dr. Hernandez writes, “Ah, you might think that Halloween is a dentists dream come true. Well, for some of us this is truly a nightmare.” He continues elaborating, “While we human will probably never completely kick our addiction to sugar, I’ll tell you one thing that I find more frightening than Halloween. It is the fact that between 30 and 40 million people in this country, while they love to be spooked in so many other ways, will avoid going to the dentist out of fear.”
“Fear of going to the dentist,” says Dr. Hernandez, “can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease. And here’s the most frightening fact of all. The correlations between a multitude of other diseases and periodontal disease are getting stronger. And even though a cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been proven, research has indicated that periodontal disease increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, respiratory diseases and a variety of cancers. Periodontal disease can also exacerbate existing heart conditions. “
According to Dr. Hernandez, “In this case, fear can be a real killer. Because, if you don’t regularly see the dentist, health problems, such as hypertension, diabetes, oral cancers, kidney failure and heart disease may not be discovered until they’re in a more advanced stage.” He adds, “Yes, today dentists are more likely to discover the individual’s likelihood of getting those diseases base on the bacteria in the mouth and whether or not one has periodontal disease.”
The entire article can be read at
About Dr. Nilo Hernandez
Nilo A. Hernandez Jr., DDS, DICOI completed I dental degree at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska in 1991. Prior to that, he also completed dental training overseas that placed much emphasis on surgery and trauma procedures. With so much training in the surgical arts, it’s no wonder that he has excelled on this chosen path with the greatest of passion and vigor.
Since 1991, Dr. Hernandez has placed and restored well over 10,000 dental implants and has achieved and maintained an extremely high success rate. Not only is he involved with the surgical aspect, but he has always been involved with the restorative side as well. For many years, he has been teaching dentist to become extraordinary with predictable results. As program chairman at two illustrious dental teaching clinics, he was instrumental in bringing implant dentistry to the mainstream at those centers and still is to this day. He has published numerous articles, books and has been featured in many television and radio shows.
While being fluent in English and Spanish, Dr. Hernandez has lectured worldwide and given many thousands of hours of lectures on everything from surgical to prosthetic rehabilitation. He has impacted the lives of many dentists and patients from across the globe.
The teaching arm of Dr. Nilo’s career has been developed due to his abilities and comprehensive use of methods, techniques and materials followed by proper and concise documentation and photography to assist many companies in using his skills for research and development of their products.
As Course Director for the IDEC Seminar series Dr. Hernandez’s quest is to prepare clinicians to reach levels of aptitude and proficiency never reached before. In addition to this, the medical advances in stem cells and genetic testing has become a part of the everyday dental practice life for Dr. Hernandez.