Nilo A. Hernandez, Jr., DDS, DICOI, Owner of Smilecreator Of Naples Reviews The Role Oral Health Plays Overall Health.

Nilo Hernandez, Jr., DDS, DICOI, best-selling co-author of the book, The Will To Win, with Brian Tracy, and owner of the Smilecreator of Naples, talks about the ever growing understanding between the relationship of oral health and overall health and how biological dentists are being sought more than ever because of this relationship.

Naples, FL, October 05, 2020: Owner and CEO of Smilecreator of Naples, Dr. Nilo Hernandez, Jr., DDS, has posted a new article on his website entitled, “Dentistry That Appreciates And Considers Whole Body Health. Dr. Hernandez suggests that more biological dentists will be available in the future as the role of oral health and overall health are better understood.

Dr. Nilo HernandezDr. Hernandez states, “Oral health is becoming more and more important in the role of overall health.” He adds, “Research points to oral health as an indicator of the most life-threatening diseases of our time. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental slowness and autism, for example, are just some of the conditions that can be indicated based on the bacteria found in the mouth.”

According to Dr. Hernandez, “As a result of the increased awareness of the relationship of oral health to overall health, more and more people are turning to the services of biological dentists. Biological dentistry combines the very best elements of traditional dentistry with a deep appreciation for teeth and oral health in relationship to the rest of the body.”

“As a biological dentist,” Dr. Hernandez writes, “I work in tandem with many of my patients cardiologists, internists and other specialists. My greatest desire and mission is to help my patients understand the relationship of oral health to the health of their vital organs.” He elaborates, “I do everything I can to help my patients prevent periodontal disease which is a key indicator of other potential troubles lurking within the body, through education and biological testing of oral bacteria. When I can help my patients keep their oral cavity healthy, very often other health issues follow suit.”


The entire article can be read at


About Dr. Nilo Hernandez

Nilo A. Hernandez Jr., DDS, DICOI completed I dental degree at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska in 1991. Prior to that, he also completed dental training overseas that placed much emphasis on surgery and trauma procedures. With so much training in the surgical arts, it’s no wonder that he has excelled on this chosen path with the greatest of passion and vigor.

Since 1991, Dr. Hernandez has placed and restored well over 10,000 dental implants and has achieved and maintained an extremely high success rate. Not only is he involved with the surgical aspect, but he has always been involved with the restorative side as well. For many years, he has been teaching dentist to become extraordinary with predictable results.  As program chairman at two illustrious dental teaching clinics, he was instrumental in bringing implant dentistry to the mainstream at those centers and still is to this day. He has published numerous articles, books and has been featured in many television and radio shows.



Posted Under: Dr. Nilo Hernandez