National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Writes About The Impactful Netflix Documentary The Pharmacist

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker shares his thoughts on the new Netflix documentary series, The Pharmacist which explores a father’s journey after the overdose death of his son.

ROCKVILLE, MD. February 21, 2020: Owner of Accessible Beltway Clinics and opioid crises expert, Dr. John Rosa, posted a new blog on his website entitled, “The Pharmacist And The Pain That Never Goes Away,” in which Dr. Rosa discusses a new Netflix documentary series.

Dr. John P. RosaAs Dr. Rosa points out, “People react differently to tragedy.” He continues adding, “Unfortunately hundreds of thousands of parents have been in the position of reacting to the tragedy of losing a child to the opioid crisis that has been ravaging this country since the late 1990’s. Most of those parents were helpless and didn’t know what to do. In drug overdose situations there often seems like there is nothing that can be done.”

“Some of the children may not have died from an overdose,” Dr. Rosa writes, elaborating, “Some of them may have been killed attempting to get drugs in dangerous neighborhoods. Such was the case that is brought to light in a documentary series recently produced by Netflix.”

According to Dr. Rosa, “The documentary poses some intense and important questions. For instance, “What would you do if your child was killed in a drug deal and the cops were less than helpful? Would you be paralyzed with grief, shaking your head at the idea that your kid was an addict, or something else?” As the documentary series portrays, “One pharmacist in Louisiana took it upon himself to find his son’s killer, and after that was over, took what he learned and decided to fight a Big Pharma company that was making more young people into addicts.”

Read the entire blog at

About Dr. John P. Rosa

Dr. Rosa is the Owner/manager of 14 health clinics in the Baltimore/Washington DC metro areas concentrating on musculoskeletal injuries of acute, subacute and chronic nature. He oversees the Integrative Medicine practice group which includes general medicine, Chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture and behavioral medicine that sees over 60,000 patient visits per year.

Active in sports medicine with consulting/treating college, professional and Olympic athletes. Creator of 24/7 RnR (Relief and aiding Recovery) an FDA approved analgesic cream. Founder of Accessible Wellness Solutions – an onsite corporate wellness program offering consulting, lectures and clinic management.

Leader in Chiropractic

Trustee of New York Chiropractic College for over 15 years and serving final 3-year term as Chairman of the Board.

Opioid Crisis Expert:

  • White House Surrogate/Consultant
  • Law Enforcement Consultant (Homeland Security, CBP, DOJ, DEA and Postal)
  • State and National Consultant to Opioid Task Forces
  • Corporate and professional organization consultant
  • Currently forming the Opioid Abuse Prevention Institute

Integrative Medicine Specialist:

  • Board service to Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Consultant on Integrative Medicine to hospital cancer center
  • Reduced opioid prescriptions by 70% by integrating Chiropractic, physical therapy and behavioral medicine in a primary care setting
  • Expert/Speaker – educating primary care, urgent care and hospital medical staff on the Integrative Medicine approach to treating pain patients
Posted Under: Dr. John Rosa