National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Looks Back Over The Year Highlighting Events Related To The Opioid Crisis
Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker reviews some of the events that made the news regarding the opioid crisis in the United States which involve deaths, arrests and lap dances.
ROCKVILLE, MD. December 9, 2019: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, national opioid crisis expert, and co-author of The Recipe for Success with Jack Canfield, posted a new article on his website entitled, “2019 Has Been A Busy Year For Everyone Involved In The Opioid Crisis,” in which Dr. Rosa reviews some of the highlights.
“Looking back over the year,” says Dr. Rosa, “and taking in all that has happened regarding the epidemic that has come to be known in the U.S. as the opioid crisis, all I can say is that it has been a very busy year.” He continues adding, “I hope that we have made some headway, and I do believe we have, in curtailing the distribution through doctor prescribed sources. Next comes the challenge of curtailing availability over the Internet.”
Dr. Rosa states, “I’m providing a review of some of the year’s highlights and pray that next year sees greater strides being made toward bringing the tremendous sufferings and tragedies caused by this treatment created just for use by those suffering from the unbearable pain of cancer to an end.”
According to Dr. Rosa, “The beginning of the year brought tragic news. For the very first time on record the odds of dying from an opioid overdose in the U.S. was greater than the odds of dying in an auto accident.”
He goes on to add that, “In the spring of this year, five executives from Insys Therapeutics, a company that makes a version of the deadly opioid fentanyl called Subsys, were found guilty of bribing doctors to prescribe the opioid to people who didn’t need it.” He writes, “There appears to have been “lap dances” involved in the bribery scheme.”
On a cautionary note, Dr. Rosa warns, “While the opioid prescribing habits of doctors has decreased slightly, we need to be careful the pendulum doesn’t swing too far. People who have been on opioids for several years are now being denied their medication causing them to hit the streets and we all know how that story ends. The prescribing habits need to decrease not slightly but substantially for any new patient prescriptions while those who are dependent are slowly decreased in opioid strength over time.”
Read the entire article at
About Dr. John P. Rosa
Dr. Rosa is the Owner/manager of 14 health clinics in the Baltimore/Washington DC metro areas concentrating on musculoskeletal injuries of acute, subacute and chronic nature. He oversees the Integrative Medicine practice group which includes general medicine, Chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture and behavioral medicine that sees over 60,000 patient visits per year.
Active in sports medicine with consulting/treating college, professional and Olympic athletes. Creator of 24/7 RnR (Relief and aiding Recovery) an FDA approved analgesic cream. Founder of Accessible Wellness Solutions – an onsite corporate wellness program offering consulting, lectures and clinic management.
Leader in Chiropractic
Trustee of New York Chiropractic College for over 15 years and serving final 3-year term as Chairman of the Board.
Opioid Crisis Expert:
- White House Surrogate/Consultant
- Law Enforcement Consultant (Homeland Security, CBP, DOJ, DEA and Postal)
- State and National Consultant to Opioid Task Forces
- Corporate and professional organization consultant
- Currently forming the Opioid Abuse Prevention Institute
Integrative Medicine Specialist:
- Board service to Maryland University of Integrative Health
- Consultant on Integrative Medicine to hospital cancer center
- Reduced opioid prescriptions by 70% by integrating Chiropractic, physical therapy and behavioral medicine in a primary care setting
- Expert/Speaker – educating primary care, urgent care and hospital medical staff on the Integrative Medicine approach to treating pain patients