National Opioid Crisis Expert, Dynamic Speaker And Author, Dr. John Rosa Calls For A Team Effort To End The Opioid Crisis

Dr. John P. Rosa, opioid crisis expert, author and dynamic speaker, tells readers that both, the doctors who prescribe opioids and the patients who take them, are addicts and both must be educated in ways that will bring an end to this method of relieving pain and open the door to a healthier way.

ROCKVILLE, MD. April 18, 2019: Dr. John Rosa, dynamic speaker, national opioid crises expert, and co-author of The Recipe for Success with Jack Canfield, posted a new blog on his website entitled, “It’s Time To Stop Cultivating A Culture Of Chronic Pain Patients,” in which Dr. Rosa calls for the participation of doctors and patients alike.

Dr. John P. RosaDr. Rosa states, “When you have a medical system that is as addicted to taking the easy way out by masking problems that cause pain instead of getting to the bottom of them and healing human pain and suffering, you create a cycle of addiction and a culture of chronic pain.” He emphasizes, “That’s exactly the position we are in as a culture today.”

“Based on our current reimbursement systems,” says Dr. Rosa, “it’s easier for doctors to prescribe a pain pill than it is for them to prescribe a multi-disciplinary system of treatment that will actually get to the source of the pain and eliminate it.” He adds, “And, believe me, I am aware that this system is like a double-edged sword.”

According to Dr. Rosa, “Patients just want to be pain-free. The easiest way to do that instantly,” he says, “is to take opioids.” He elaborates, “But, the problems created by this seemingly instantly gratifying method are deadly and devastating. So, both patients and doctors are going to have to actively participate in ending this vicious cycle.”

Read the entire blog at

About Dr. John P. Rosa

Dr. Rosa is the Owner/manager of 14 health clinics in the Baltimore/Washington DC metro areas concentrating on musculoskeletal injuries of acute, subacute and chronic nature. He oversees the Integrative Medicine practice group which includes general medicine, Chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture and behavioral medicine that sees over 60,000 patient visits per year.

Active in sports medicine with consulting/treating college, professional and Olympic athletes. Creator of 24/7 RnR (Relief and aiding Recovery) an FDA approved analgesic cream. Founder of Accessible Wellness Solutions – an onsite corporate wellness program offering consulting, lectures and clinic management.

Leader in Chiropractic

Trustee of New York Chiropractic College for over 15 years and serving final 3-year term as Chairman of the Board.

Opioid Crisis Expert:

  • White House Surrogate/Consultant
  • Law Enforcement Consultant (Homeland Security, CBP, DOJ, DEA and Postal)
  • State and National Consultant to Opioid Task Forces
  • Corporate and professional organization consultant
  • Currently forming the Opioid Abuse Prevention Institute

Integrative Medicine Specialist:

  • Board service to Maryland University of Integrative Health
  • Consultant on Integrative Medicine to hospital cancer center
  • Reduced opioid prescriptions by 70% by integrating Chiropractic, physical therapy and
  • behavioral medicine in a primary care setting
  • Expert/Speaker – educating primary care, urgent care and hospital medical staff on the
  • Integrative Medicine approach to treating pain patients
Posted Under: Dr. John Rosa