National Credit Federation President Dave Fulk Says Shop Intelligently For Credit in order to Save Your Credit Score

Tampa, FL — May 18, 2015 — Dave Fulk, president of National Credit Federation, published a new blog post entitled “Will Shopping For Credit Hurt Your Credit Score?” In the post, he shares with readers how to shop for credit intelligently by weighing the risk to your credit score against the quality of the loans in question.

Fulk says, “Many people are surprised to find that shopping around for credit can actually hurt their credit scores. But when interest rates vary so widely and thousands of hard-earned dollars are at stake, doesn’t it make sense to be sure you’re getting the best deal possible? Of course! That’s why everybody needs to know when and how to go about shopping for credit.”

Dave Fulk, NACSO, CCRA, is the President of National Credit Federation and a national speaker on finance and credit. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry, specializing in finance, mortgages, and credit.

Read the whole article here.

About National Credit Federation:

National Credit Federation’s mission is to help their members who are currently in or have successfully come through a financial crisis, take back control of their finances and credit, allowing them to achieve their financial dreams.” As far as National Credit Federation goes they are one of the oldest most trusted companies in the nation we have been featured in Forbes magazine, USA Today, Yahoo Finance and 30+ other major news outlets. We have over 600 + testimonies on our website from previous happy clients. Not to mention our CEO just co-authored a book with Steve Forbes that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon, and we are currently working with two sharks from ABC’s shark tank on some other business ventures.


Posted Under: Dave Fulk