National Credit Federation President Dave Fulk Says Everyone Should Be Empowered To Fully Understand Their Credit Report
Tampa, FL — Jan 4 2015 — Dave Fulk, president of National Credit Federation, published a new article entitled “Deciphering Your Credit Report.” In the article, he empowers readers to download their free credit reports from each of the major bureaus and review their credit history in detail, even if they’ve never looked at it before.
Fulk says, “If finance isn’t your specialty, reading your credit report can seem a little intimidating. And especially for those whose credit histories might have had a few bumps in the road, it may seem easier just to ignore the report rather than trying to learn from it. We’re here to tell you that not only do you need to read your credit report every year, but that it’s also much simpler to understand than you might think.”
Dave Fulk, NACSO, CCRA, is the president of National Credit Federation and a national speaker on finance and credit. He has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry, specializing in finance, mortgages, and credit.
Read the whole article here.
About National Credit Federation:
National Credit Federation helps people accomplish their financial goals through credit repair, debt settlement, student loan consolidation, and business funding. The NCF mission is to help members who are currently in or have successfully come through a financial crisis improve their creditworthiness, allowing them to achieve their credit objectives, including home ownership. This mission is accomplished by providing members with access to resources not normally available to “non-credit worthy” consumers, such as financing, banking, credit lines, professional legal assistance, tax advice, personal financial coaching, and personal financial education. One of the oldest and most trusted companies in the nation, NCF has been featured in Forbes magazine, USA Today Yahoo Finance and 27 other major news outlets. They have an A rating with the BBB and have over 600+ testimonials from previous clients they have helped.