Music School Experts, Michael and Berta Guevara Focus On How To Correctly And Successfully Expand A Music School Business.
Dr. Michael and Berta Guevara, America’s Premier Growth Experts for Private Music School Owners and owners of The Conservatory of Music, with locations in Cinco Ranch and North Katy offer suggestions on how to expand a music school business.
Katy, TX – May 25, 2018 – Michael and Berta Guevara, owners of The Conservatory of Music at Cinco Ranch and North Katy, posted a new article on their company website entitled “When It’s Time To Expand Your Music School.” Dr. and Mrs. Guevara focus first on community engagement and continuous learning.
As Dr. Guevara points out, “Whether you have recently established yourself as a solo music teacher or have been in business for years, there will come a time when you will probably want to expand your music school business.” Berta adds, “Perhaps you teach a single instrument and want to expand your offerings. Or maybe you want to keep your singular focus. Either way, there are ways to expand depending on your vision. Remember, though, that expansion must be done slowly and correctly.” Michael cautions, “You don’t want to overwhelm yourself by expanding too quickly or in too many directions.”
According to the Guevaras, “One of the most important aspects of professional development is community involvement. You need to be engaged in your community and likewise, be engaging.”
Berta states, “You can do this in a variety of ways. You’ll want to develop relationships with other local business owners. You can do this through networking organizations and memberships in civic organizations.” Michael chimes in, “You simply never know who’ll recommend a friend or a friend’s child to your music school.”
“In addition,” says Berta, “continuous learning is important. Attending professional development courses will allow you to stay sharp and always be in the know about the current trends and best small business practices.”
Dr. Guevara encourages readers to, “Pass on that enthusiasm to your students. You can’t expect anyone to be engaged if you’re not. And students who enjoy learning from you will continue to learn from you—and refer others to do the same.”
Read the entire article at
About Dr. Michael and Berta Guevara
Musicians for almost 50 years and married for over 25, Dr. Michael Guevara and his wife, Berta, have been involved in the music school business for more than 10 years. During that time, they have experienced incredible success!
Starting in 1985, in conjunction with his love of children and passion for music, Michael began to teach the piano to children within his local community out of his parent’s home. In that same year, Michael also began to perform music professionally through a ministry he founded, “Golden Trumpet Ministries.” In 1986, after receiving his BBA in Finance, Michael moved to Houston to begin a career in insurance, but also continued to help children learn music and continued to perform professionally, as his schedule allowed.
Berta also had an early start in music, first as a vocalist, and then self-taught herself how to play the guitar in order to perform at her local church. Due to her proficiency in vocals and guitar, Berta was asked to lead the 11:00am service at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in La Feria, TX. Coincidentally, around the same time, Michael was asked to lead the 9:30am service.
Berta also began a career in orthodontics, which spanned over 20 years. During that time, she not only became one of the best within her profession (an orthodontic technician), but she also gained valuable office management experience, which would eventually prove invaluable. Michael and Berta would later meet at The Galleria in Houston, in late 1989, eventually became best friends, and married in 1992.
In 2006, they decided that corporate life was no longer an avenue they wished to pursue, and after much careful consideration, with their love of music and of children, they decided to open their first school of music. Consequently, on June 1, 2007, The Conservatory of Music at Cinco Ranch was officially opened. Focusing on slow but steady growth, Michael and Berta grew The Conservatory of Music (now with two locations), to be the most awarded schools of music in the Katy, TX area, inclusive of being the only Founding School of the Royal Conservatory Certificate Program in the entire greater Houston area, and the only Steinway affiliated school in Katy, TX.
To grow their schools of music, Michael immersed himself in the study of all facets of marketing and business growth. Meanwhile, Berta took on the responsibilities of running the office and providing exceptional customer service. The result? Michael and Berta developed a thriving music school business! In fact, between the years of 2011 – 2015, their music studio business averaged a growth rate of over 20% a year! Michael and Berta now wish to share their business insights not only with others in the music school business, but with other small business entrepreneurs as well. Michael is currently writing a book on this very specific subject, and they will be helping others through personal coaching and through their new website,
Michael is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma and the Texas Music Educators Association, composed the music for the musical, Invasion of the Potty Snatchers by Houston playwright Jim Bain, and is also a speaker, business mentor and entrepreneur. Michael is a founding member of the Katy Jazz Association and was a member of the Katy Jazz Festival Committee. In his spare time, Michael is an avid fisherman, having authored two digital books on fishing (Flounder, The Basics and Bay Fishing Strategies Revealed) and enjoys playing golf and tennis.
Berta is an avid movie buff, and is in the process of writing a fantasy movie script, which she eventually hopes to see on the silver screen. She is also an incredible cook and is working towards launching her own cooking channel on YouTube. Berta is also a professional makeup artist, and still occasionally performs professionally as a vocalist. Berta enjoys playing golf and fishing with her partner in crime, Michael.
As community servants, professional musicians, and business owners, the main thrust in their daily lives is to help people understand the importance of an education in music, of fine arts in general, and to help those with the same calling reach higher levels of success within their own school of music, all while making a positive impact within their local community.
You can connect with Michael and Berta at: