Milwaukee Area Dentist Tony Cigno Publishes New Article Sharing the Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity and What to Do If You’re Experiencing Sensitive Teeth

Milwaukee area dentist Dr. Tony Cigno explains why you might be experiencing sensitive teeth and gums and what to do if you are.

Greenfield, WI — May 2, 2017 — Wisconsin Dentist Tony Cigno recently published an article titled, “Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity: When Your Teeth Scream at You!!!

Dr. Tony CignoDr. Cigno begins by asking the reader, “Does the idea of hot or cold food or drinks make you wince in anticipatory pain? Maybe even sweet or sour food – even wind – makes you nervous, knowing your teeth are not going to be happy?” He adds, “Tooth sensitivity is zero fun.”

Next, Dr. Cigno answers the question, “What is Tooth Sensitivity?” He explains this in a very in-depth manner with a full discussion of enamel, cementum, dentin, and dentin tubules. All together, these dental elements play a part in the technical or structural part of tooth sensitivity.

From a practical perspective, Dr. Cigno also shares the more common “causes” that we can somewhat control. These include things like excessive consumption of acidic food or drinks, brushing teeth aggressively, and even overuse of tooth whitening products. Furthermore, basic dental issues like a cracked tooth or filling – even gum disease – can create or aggravate tooth sensitivity.

Dr. Cigno also provides tips for taming gum sensitivity too. Not surprisingly, the first is to limit intake and consumption of extremely hot and cold food and drink. He also reminds readers not to grind teeth – or to look for solutions to minimizing damage due to grinding – since this can produce cracks in teeth that cause sensitivity as well. He even tells readers to watch how aggressively they brush as this can be harmful to enamel and also be a factor for increased tooth sensitivity.

The entire article can be found here:

About Dr. Tony Cigno

Milwaukee Dentist Dr. Antonio (Tony) Cigno has been practicing dentistry for 25 years. He received a DMD from the Washington University School of Dental Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Cigno is also finishing a Fellowship and Mastership at the Academy of General Dentistry.

Additionally, he has written and published several articles and is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry, American Association of Functional Orthodontics, and the International Association of Orthodontics. Dr. Cigno was Wisconsin’s very 1st and Premiere Provider of Fastbraces and one of 10 senior master affiliates in the world.

Committed to continuing education, Dr. Cigno has completed over 600 hours of additional courses in implant dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, myofascial pain/occlusion and operative dentistry. He also has another 400 hours in interpersonal communication training.

Posted Under: Cigno Family Dental, Dr. Antonio Cigno