Milwaukee Area Dentist Tony Cigno Publishes New Article Explaining How Chewing Ice Is Bad for Dental Health

Milwaukee area dentist Dr. Tony Cigno shares how chewing ice is harmful for teeth and gums.

Greenfield, WI — April 24, 2017 — Wisconsin Dentist Tony Cigno recently published an article titled, “Ice Ice Baby! How Chewing Ice Can Harm Your Dental Health…

Dr. Tony CignoAs Dr. Cigno says, “Many people love chewing ice. Whether it’s the crunch itself that’s appealing, or maybe it’s just become a habit, chomping on ice can be hard to stop once you start.”

Two of the greatest risks of chewing ice, Dr. Cigno shares, are damage to teeth and gums.

First, he explains, chewing ice outs your teeth into a cycle of getting hot and cold, over and over. This makes the enamel expand and contract, making teeth prime for small hairline cracks. These hairline cracks can then grow into bigger cracks over time, leading to tooth sensitivity, pain, and even infections inside the teeth.

Dr. Cigno then outlines other ways chewing ice can be permanently damaging to teeth, such as removing protective enamel, breaking crowns and fillings, and even puncturing sensitive gums.

From there, he goes on to discuss how to give up the ice chewing habit once and for all. He provides some great tips such as sucking on slivers of ice or crunching chilled vegetables and frozen grapes. He even provides information on some possible medical or psychological reasons for your ice-chewing habit that make it really hard to give up as well.

The entire article can be found here:

About Dr. Tony Cigno

Milwaukee Dentist Dr. Antonio (Tony) Cigno has been practicing dentistry for 25 years. He received a DMD from the Washington University School of Dental Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Cigno is also finishing a Fellowship and Mastership at the Academy of General Dentistry.

Additionally, he has written and published several articles and is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry, American Association of Functional Orthodontics, and the International Association of Orthodontics. Dr. Cigno was Wisconsin’s very 1st and Premiere Provider of Fastbraces and one of 10 senior master affiliates in the world.

Committed to continuing education, Dr. Cigno has completed over 600 hours of additional courses in implant dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, myofascial pain/occlusion and operative dentistry. He also has another 400 hours in interpersonal communication training.

Posted Under: Cigno Family Dental, Tony Cigno