Maui – You’ve Dreamed Of It! Here’s How Luxury Specialist R.E. Broker Kathy Ross Will Make It A Reality For You!
Immersed in the Beauty and Diversity of Maui For 30 Years, The Charismatic Realtor Shares Its Rejuvenating Spirit Via Lifelong Friendships and Personal Concierge Services
Maui, HI – November 7, 2014 – As a culture, we love to bandy about phrases like “paradise” and “heaven on earth” as metaphors when we let our minds drift to sunnier days, away from the day-to-day grind. But what if we could live those daydreams? What if we could make fantasy reality? What if someone gave us the power to convert those elusive concepts into a lifetime of comfort, there with every new sunrise the moment we wake up in the morning?
A dynamic and charismatic presence on the island of Maui for 30 years,
Kathy Ross – influential real estate broker, personal concierge and perhaps The Valley Isle’s most passionate ambassador – has made this swirl of pristine beaches, lush green valleys and volcanic landscapes her joyful personal playground. And she wants everyone she meets to feel at home there, to experience the fun and Aloha spirit that continues to inspire and define her life.
Driven by her love for the island’s landscape, vibrant culture, diversity and often obscured charms, Kathy’s the go-to girl for those who want to live the life of their dreams the way she has. For hundreds of full time transplants and part-timers alike, becoming her client has opened the door to a multi-faceted years-long friendship. Most “realtors” finish their transactions and let their clients loose. For Kathy, the moment the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed is just the beginning. She becomes their personal concierge, consulting and advising them as they create a niche and weave their own presence into the fabric of the community.
As she navigates the heretofore seemingly out of reach possibilities, they fall in love with the island of her home and make it their own. Her world opens their world.
Now like that gentle island sunrise, Kathy is opening her door to you. When you first meet her, she may ask, “Can you imagine yourself living where you can breathe clean air, actually see the stars in the dark night sky, play in clean warm waters, eat the freshest organic foods grown all year long, where neighborhoods and schools are safe?” As your senses are recharged, you’ll know why the natives often say “Maui No Ka Oi”; in localese, it means “Maui is the Best, the most, the top of the heap.”
“Even after all these years,” she says, “Maui is still laid back. There’s a place for everyone who wants a more meaningful lifestyle. But for those who seek adventure, there are more exciting options to choose from than we’ve ever had before.”
People who want the best help while looking to buy or sell Maui luxury property in all categories, will be delighted to discover how Kathy is celebrating her 30th year living on the island and 26th year serving clients in the Maui real estate market. The talented entrepreneur and influential “one percenter” announces an exciting new venture whose name – Maui Home and Life, Luxury Real Estate and Lifestyles – speaks to the deep friendships she develops with clients and the wealth of personal services she provides.
Kathy brings all those years of experience and connections to Maui Home and Life, but her brilliance in negotiating transactions for wealthy clients, including celebrities (legendary rock drummer and Fleetwood Mac co-founder Mick Fleetwood), is just the start of what new clients can expect when they call.
Kathy’ desire to incorporate this concierge aspect of her service more formally into Maui Home and Life began organically about a decade ago when she was running her own company. Clients who became friends would ask her to help them with various details of their lives there. She derived so much joy from helping them that slowly that became an integral part of her business.
“My purpose,” Kathy adds, “is not just supporting you in the buying and selling of amazing property or being a great problem solver; but making sure you truly have every opportunity to connect in every way possible to this magical island. Whether you are an investor or full time resident – you don’t have to imagine being full of energy anymore. It’s waiting for you here in Maui.”
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