Matthew Linklater, Sales Team Training Expert, Writes About the Importance of Business Measurements in Generating Sales

Matthew Linklater, author of Quick Witted: Saying the Right Thing to Win Big and trainer in the areas of business and personal success, writes about how crunching the right numbers in your business will be the key to sales flow success.

Chicago, IL – July 12, 2011 Matthew Linklater, certified practitioner and coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, expert in Time Line TherapyTM, hypnotist, speaker and author, recently published a blog on his website ( about how computing your business’s ratios and statistics will open the flow of sales like a water spigot. The blog, titled “If You Want Your Treasure, Get Ready to Measure” encourages business owners to combine their industry knowledge with these business tactics for long term profitability.

Linklater writes, “Lately, I’ve gotten into the habit of coining the phrase, “If it doesn’t get measured it doesn’t get done!” In all honesty, many people who start a business are just excited to practice the trade, skill or talent that they’ve spent years learning and perfecting. If you’re a doctor, you probably are more interested in healing your patients, than running a business. If you own a hair salon, you might care more about creating stylish fashions than crunching profit numbers. But we all know that the bottom line matters. Bottom line! Right? So, the … well… bottom line is that if business owners don’t take time to crunch numbers and determine their revenue requirements, they will not ever see the incredible profits that they are fully capable of achieving.”

“This is where your industry knowledge and acumen can combine with my business experience and skills to create a dynamic company that will beat your competition. I like to refer to your sales as a spigot. When you understand how to generate leads and convert those into sales, you are essentially learning how to turn on the water spigot – your source of sales flow. Once you acquire the right communication, marketing and sales tools to achieve a rapid flow of business, then you’ll be basking in the cool waters of success! It’s all about the measurement of your business’s key ratios and statistics. Know your numbers and then you know how to turn on the spigot to make the money and sales flow easily,” argues Linklater.

Matthew Linklater and Denise Wayman are co-founders of and former Vice Presidents of three fortune 100 companies and are accomplished motivational speakers and life-changers.  Authors of three books, Quick Witted: Saying The Right Thing to Win Big, Basic Training: Sales Boot Camp, and Counter Attack with legendary Brian Tracy, these two Sales Gurus combine extensive business experience with their expertise as certified master practitioners, trainers and coaches of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in conjunction with Time Line TherapyTM to help you exceed your sales goals!

The entire blog can be found at

About Matthew Linklater and Denise Wayman:

Matthew Linklater, and his business partner and fiancée, Denise Wayman, help clients with personal development, positive thinking and action orientation – teaching others to effectively identify and grab hold of their dreams. In addition to their specializations in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Time Line TherapyTM, this high-impact duo utilizes their expertise in hypnosis for their clientele’s personal and professional development and training. The dynamic success mentoring team works with individual clients on their career goals as well as business teams on sales and performance goals, to manifest extraordinary success for top-line growth and bottom-line profits. Together, Matthew and Denise have a revolutionary Live Your Vision process that aligns mind, body and spirit in the right direction for success.

As Authors, Speakers and Success Coaches, Matthew Linklater and Denise Wayman offer powerful business consulting and high-impact personal coaching. They have trained business leaders to increase in the critical areas of sales coaching, building instant rapport with others, 3D Communication for negotiation and conflict resolution, motivation of team members, goal achievement, product scripting and leadership. This team’s personal coaching methods incorporate powerful NLP techniques, Time Line Therapy®, the Live Your Vision experience and the Ericksonian Hypnosis method.

To learn more about Matthew Linklater, please visit

Posted Under: Matthew Linklater