Manufacturing and Theory of Constraints Expert Dr. Lisa Lang Shares Client Success Story

Tanya DiSalvo, President of Criterion Tool, shares her story of how her precision machine shop used Velocity Scheduling System to achieve record profits.

Green Valley, AZ – November 14, 2012 – “Dr. Lisa” Lang, President of the Science of Business and Theory of Constraints expert, is proud to share one of many client success stories. Tanya DiSalvo is the President of Criterion Tool (founded in 1953) and an active member of both NTMA (National Tooling and Machining Association) and PMPA (Precision Metal Products Association).  Tanya has utilized Dr. Lisa’s Velocity Scheduling System at her machine shop to improve on-time delivery and reduce lead times.

Tanya DiSalvo’s case study and success story (written by Mike Touzeau) can be found at

Here is an excerpt:

“It’s so different from what we’ve seen in the world of manufacturing that it sounded too good to be true. At first as a team we couldn’t get our arms around it, but Dr. Lisa said she was going to give me my money back if it didn’t work, so we were going to do everything she said.”

They liked the homework, but several of her 30 employees, including her dad, who was then  consulting and observing as he neared retirement, bet some real cash against her that it wasn’t going to work.

“I was pretty sure they thought this was just another flavor of the month. Before VSS we were all frustrated,” she remembers, because they were always  trying to manage the “slop,” as she calls it—the jobs that got bogged down and often carried into the next month,  with select customers always suffering.

Once they saw how the system could facilitate movement of jobs, things started clicking.

“As we worked through the Velocity Scheduling process, we got more and more in control. We could focus our resources where we needed them the most. We didn’t have to monitor the jobs, the deadlines, the priorities anymore.”

“It was all the  same people just changing their focus.”

To learn specifically what Tanya did to improve her machine shop scheduling, watch a 47 minute webinar on “How to Get More Jobs Done Faster” at

“Dr. Lisa” Lang is one of the foremost Theory of Constraints experts in the world and a sought after manufacturing expert having been named the 2012 Manufacturing Trendsetter in the USA Today for her inexpensive and guaranteed Velocity Scheduling System Coaching Program that has dramatically improved performance of well over 100 highly custom job shops and machine shops.  She has also appeared in CBS News, The Wall Street Journal,,, Gear Technology, CNBC, MoldMaking Technology, The Fabricator, NTMA’s The Record and many others. She is active in helping the reshoring of  manufacturing back to the U.S. and in the NTMA, PMA, and AMT communities having helped member companies to reduce their lead-times and improve due date performance. She worked with Dr. Goldratt who is the father of Theory of Constraints and author of the bestselling book, The Goal. Dr Lisa is the President of the Science of Business specializing in increasing profits of highly custom manufacturers by applying Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma (TLS) to operations with Velocity Scheduling System and to engineering/design with Project Velocity System and to marketing with her Mafia Offer Boot Camp.

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