Life Coach, Stacia Pierce, Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With The Big Secret

Stacia Pierce recently ranked on the best-seller list with the new book, The Big Secret, co-authored with Jack Canfield.

Orlando, FL – June 7, 2017 –Stacia Pierce, Found and CEO of, has joined Best-Selling Author® Jack Canfield, originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, along with a select group of experts and professionals around the world to co-write the book, The Big Secret: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal Their Big Secrets for Achieving the Health, Wealth, and Lifestyle You Desire. The book also features content from JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nanton, Esq., international Best-Selling Authors® and marketing experts. The book was published by CelebrityPress®, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world, and was released on May 4, 2017.

On the day of release, The Big Secret reached best-seller status on – reaching as high as #2 in the “Direct Marketing” category, as well as placing #24 in Sales and Selling, #39 in Marketing, #70 in Entrepreneurship, and #71 in Marketing and Sales. The expert information shared in Pierce’s chapter, “What’s Written is Real,” has helped the book reach optimal best-seller placement and will help readers gain similar success in their endeavors.

CelebrityPress® describes the book:

The desire to keep knowledge from circulating is the essence of any secret. In the case of the secret of success, entrepreneurs and forward thinkers have come around to recognizing that success is NOT to be kept a secret, but rather, shared for the good of the community, the world, and themselves. We recall the famous words of Napoleon Hill:

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.

Therefore, among the secrets to success, mentoring those who wish to learn more about the process is paramount. Other vital factors in success include the need for specific knowledge, saving time by avoiding mistakes, having the passion needed, as well as the will to pursue your dreams and to take action to achieve this success. Dreams without action were once called “pipe dreams” – just smoke screens where nothing tangible was ever accomplished.

While we need to beware of charlatans and cheats, more and more of us wish to succeed personally and help others along the way do the same. The electronic age has ably assisted this cause. Our CelebrityExperts in this book can now share The BIG Secret with their clients and, in fact, all around the world, showing and helping those who desire to accomplish great deeds and influence the world positively, how to go about this task.

After such a successful release, Stacia Pierce will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

Click HERE to order a copy of The Big Secret.

A portion of the royalties earned from The Big Secret will be given to Entrepreneur’s International Foundation, a not for profit organization dedicated to creating awareness for charitable causes.

About Stacia Pierce:

 Stacia Pierce is founder and CEO of She’s affectionately known as the whole-life coach because she helps you tighten the unraveled loose ends of your life and discover your true self so you can give one hundred percent to your career, family and personal life. After spending only a short amount of time with Stacia, you will suddenly see life from a grander, more promising perspective. She frees you to explore your creativity, embrace the possibilities of a better, more fulfilling and happier healthier way of living with her on- the-spot signature ‘Success Attractions Strategies’ for instant results. Stacia’s no-excuse business philosophy will empower you to take responsibility for your life and business, so you can finally live the life you’ve been dreaming of. She makes business easy, lucrative and fun with her vast collection success tools, seminars and conferences for entrepreneurs. She is committed to empowering entrepreneurs around the world to live their dream life and run their dream businesses. She specializes in showing you how to turn your passion into a paycheck by creatively building an authentic business that gets you recognized for your skills and expertise, attracts your ideal clients and works for you day and night. A master of manifestation, Stacia invented the Success Journal to empower heart-centered, creative entrepreneurs to manifest their dreams and desires using a systematic format.

You can connect with Stacia at:

About CelebrityPress® LLC: 

CelebrityPress® LLC is a leading business book publisher that publishes books from Thoughtleaders® around the world. CelebrityPress® LLC specializes in business anthologies, among various other types of titles, and has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins, and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress® LLC focuses on helping its authors grow their businesses and their personal brands through book publishing; the organization has successfully helped launch thousands of best-selling authors® to date. 

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Courtney Hall

Dicks + Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®


[email protected]

Posted Under: Stacia Pierce