Leadership Coach Catherine Rocheleau Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With “The Winning Way”
Catherine Rocheleau recently hit three Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new book, “The Winning Way.”
North Vancouver, BC – June 30, 2014 – Catherine Rocheleau, Founder and CEO of Ignite Leadership International™, recently joined a select group of leading business experts from around the world, along with best-selling author and speaker, Brian Tracy to co-write the book titled, The Winning Way: The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Share How They are Winning in Life and Business and You Can Too! The book was released on June 19, 2014 by CelebrityPress™ – a leading business book publisher.
On the day of release, The Winning Way reached best-seller status in three Amazon.com categories – reaching #8 in the “Direct Marketing” category and #12 in the “Marketing For Small Business” category. The book also reached best-seller status in the “Marketing” category. Catherine Rocheleau contributed a chapter titled “Three Attributes to Ignite the Leader Within.”
For Catherine Rocheleau, corporate leadership is about vision and its effective actualization. She believes leaders exist at all tiers of an organization and are vital allies that smart management aligns with to drive transition or change. Working with management to identify, nurture and achieve buy-in from these all-important change agents is an important step in manifesting dynamic growth objectives. Growing up as a navy brat, Catherine’s family moved almost every year. New school, new friends, and sometimes a new culture, Catherine learned from an early age how to harness her own leadership skills to navigate differing circumstances. It didn’t take her long to figure out change could be challenging but it was exciting too.
A lifelong learner, Catherine brings the skills of coach, strategic planner, consultant, project manager and trainer to each assignment, enabling her to adjust her focus as the circumstance requires: to business leaders, the organization and all its stakeholders, and/or the functional objective at hand. Early in her career she enjoyed notable success in the food and nutrition industry––including Food Executive of the Year for Western Canada, an award that recognized her forward-thinking and people-oriented management style. Successes––as well as a few inevitable setbacks––inspired Catherine to continue to align her work with her passion for business excellence. As a result, she deepened her practical business expertise with a Masters in Business Administration in Management Leadership and a Diploma in Project Management. Certification as an Executive Coach, Business Coach and Master Certified Coach Trainer followed, sharpening her perceptual and motivational skills.
CelebrityPress™ describes The Winning Way:
By definition, winning means that you competed and you came out ahead. Human nature requires us to compete in order to survive. Therefore, winning and survival have the element of success in common. To ascend to a winning position, you need a goal, a desire to achieve it, and the qualities of discipline, perseverance and action to attain it.
Having your goal and setting yourself up to achieve your goal is the first step in the process. You adjust your mindset and begin to plan diligently. Goals may be as different as DNA, but methodologies have much in common. Furthermore, your plans and expectations will need adjustments as you go along. That is why the knowledge shared by the CelebrityExperts® in this book will be of importance to you.
The advice and suggestions of these CelebrityExperts® are based on their experiences – both their accomplishments and their shipwrecks. The knowledge they share will allow you to make plans that can propel you in the right direction. That is the function of a mentor – to guide you where you are going and to advise what to avoid.
After such a successful release, Catherine Rocheleau will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
To order a copy of the book, please go to http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/099121434X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=099121434X&linkCode=as2&tag=dicksnantonag-20
The royalties from this project will be given to Entrepreneur’s International Foundation, a not for profit organization dedicated to creating unique launch campaigns to raise money and awareness for charitable causes.
About Catherine Rocheleau:
For more than twenty years, as Ignite Leadership International™, she has enjoyed a thriving professional practice that has included servicing multiple small and medium sized organizations, working with executives and employees to hone their business skills, reduce costs, grow the business and increase revenues. Her extensive on-the-ground involvement and plainspoken, pragmatic approach together with high professional standards make her highly sought after by a broad range of clients. Catherine was recently seconded to act as Executive Director, charged with diversifying a not-for-profit organization in the food sector, and as a direct result of her efforts overseeing the organizational team, succeeded in increasing revenues sevenfold over the course of 24 months.
Asked what motivates her, Catherine will cite an insatiable curiosity and personal desire to learn. She takes pride in being light on her feet, and responding to a diverse array of client needs as they arise. But more than anything, Catherine is driven by a strong desire to see other people succeed and the immense personal satisfaction she gets, knowing she has helped put the wheels in motion.
You can connect with Catherine at: [email protected], www.igniteleaders.com/, www.facebook.com/Igniteleadershipinternational and www.twitter.com/ignitesolutionz
About Celebrity Press™:
Celebrity Press™ is a leading business, health and wellness book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress™ has helped launch over 1400 best-selling authors to date.
Learn more at http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com