Internet Marketing Expert, Dechen Lau, Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book, “The Relationship Age”

Dechen Lau, internet marketing expert, recently hit’s Best-Seller List with the new book, “The Relationship Age,” climbing to #1 in three categories.

Orlando, Fla. – November 18, 2010 – Dechen Lau, Certified E-Commerce Consultant™, recently released a book with noted relationship marketing and social media expert, Mari Smith, and others titled, The Relationship Age: The world’s leading experts teach you PROVEN strategies for creating profitable relationships in the world of Social Media. The book was published by Nick Nanton, Esq., and business partner JW Dicks, Esq. under their CelebrityPress® imprint.

Known worldwide, Dechen’s Internet Marketing, leadership and morale expertise has shown his clients and audiences how to make money through Internet and keep their organization to next level. Through training, coaching, consulting and cutting-edge research, Dechen’s helps audiences and clients to apply his proven strategies to increasing sales, developing top leaders and enhancing productivity.

His Internet Marketing techniques and innovate solutions have helps many organization, businesses and marketers on effective marketing and advertising with higher customer retention and referral rates.

Dechen Lau authored a chapter in the book titled “How to grow your business through social media sites.”

The book, The Relationship Age: The world’s leading experts teach you PROVEN strategies for creating profitable relationships in the world of Social Media, was released on Thursday, November 11th and reached #1 in three categories.  These categories were Web Marketing, Direct Marketing and E-Commerce.

The Relationship Age features Dechen Lau, Nick Nanton, Esq., JW Dicks, Esq. and Mari Smith, along with other leading experts, businesspeople and entrepreneurs from around the world.  The book explores how building relationships through social media, both online and off, can lead to profits.

To order a copy of the book, go to

After such a successful release, Dechen Lau will soon be inducted into The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

To learn more about Dechen Lau, please visit

To learn more about CelebrityPress®, please visit

About Dechen Lau:

With over 7 years of Internet Marketing experience and research, Dechen combines the Six Keys that are the foundation to organizational growth and profitability In Internet Marketing.

No stranger to training, Dechen Lau has presented over thousands of people representing many organizations in training.  Top Management, internet marketers, trainers and front-line employees from organizations just like yours now use Dechen’s Internet Marketing strategies.

His client lists (many who prefer not to be named) include the world’s largest companies, associations, non-profits, and healthcare and government agencies.

Known worldwide, Dechen’s Internet Marketing, leadership and morale expertise has shown his clients and audiences how to make money through Internet and keep their organization to next level. Through training, coaching, consulting and cutting-edge research, Dechen’s helps audiences and clients to apply his proven strategies to increasing sales, developing top leaders and enhancing productivity.

His Internet Marketing techniques and innovate solutions have helps many organization, businesses and marketers on effective marketing and advertising with higher customer retention and referral rates.

Dechen’s as a Trained and Qualified Certified E-Commerce Consultant ™ and Marketing Management and he gained much exposure and experience into International Internet Marketing with his current Internet Business Worldwide and contacts.

Dechen’s expertise, bring a unique ability to connect with all audiences, professions, entrepreneurs and business organization.

Dechen’s hands-on experience and track record gives you the peace of mind that every presentation is relevant, professional and engaging.

Dechen’s is an authored of “Internet Wealth Creation For Internet Entrepreneurs” a guide for Internet Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to put profits and passion back into their products, services and organization.

He shares many of these techniques at his training events and keynotes, as he teaches audiences secrets to search engines optimization, design, generational marketing, direct response, effective websites, practical creativity, internet marketing, customer-retention and lead generation.

The revolutionary program gives employees, managers and entrepreneurs the practical skills to increase sales and productivity by cultivating high morale, accountability, passion and positively in the workplace.

Dechen’s believable too.

Audiences especially enjoy his conversational tone and engaging presentation style. His relentless energy keeps you awake and makes the topic interesting, meaningful and fun.

To learn more about Dechen Lau, please visit

About Celebrity Press™:

Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron Legrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many other of the biggest experts across diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit

About The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™:

The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ was founded by two attorneys, JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nation, Esq. who are also best selling authors and represent authors and experts nationwide.  Both of the attorneys are members of multiple organizations, associations and academies that recognize and honor the best in the business, and they thought a similar organization should be created for Best Selling authors who don’t always get recognition for their accomplishment. Authors themselves, they recognized that only a very limited number of books made the major New York Times Best Seller list and just like the awards shows put on by the entertainment-based organizations, they wanted to have more categories for authors to be accepted and recognized for their accomplishment. The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ now honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

To find out more about The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™ visit

Posted Under: CelebrityPress