Internet Marketing Expert David Leopold Launches Phase 2 of Davidsbarter Community

Best-selling author and Internet marketing expert David Leopold launches Phase 2 of Davidsbarter Community and showcases “A Case Study in Social Marketing Social Network Technology.”

Orlando, Fla. – October 29, 2012 – David Leopold (aka as “SmallBizDavid” by Google and YouTube) recently announced the launching of “Phase Two” of davidsbarter Community.  On January 31, 2011, “SmallBizDavid” committed any available Community resources to the Startup America Partnership, a joint effort between the US Government/Obama Administration and private business with seed money being given by The Kauffman Foundation of Kansas City and the Steve Case Foundation of Washington, DC.

Phase One of davidsbarter Community Social Marketing Social Network Technology “online platform” was completed when Google’s Search Engines recognized davidsbarter, “SmallBizDavid” and the Community “very optimized very Google-ized” Landing Pages.  The first page recognized was

On the average for the last 28 months, only 150,000 new jobs are being created monthly—only half the number that The Kauffman Foundation suggested needed to be created for 36 consecutive months taking our country back to a “sense of normalcy”.  New jobs are best created when new businesses are started. An “optimized” Landing Page in davidsbarter Community creates job #1 for a new business. As the business grows, more “jobs” are created.

Ten Thousand new jobs are created when 10,000 Landing Pages are “launched”. Davidsbarter Community simplifies the process with its innovative Social Marketing Social Network Technology; Marketing and Technology are two of the greatest challenges facing any business—especially a New Business.

“SmallBizDavid” says “just do what I do—using your own unique branding of your product or service—making sure you bring value to the Marketplace.  Consumers or businesses must find value before a purchase/investment is made.”  Not only will new businesses be started, but also existing Small or Large Business will develop Landing Pages creating new revenue streams for their existing business.

Davidsbarter Community is making 10,000 Landing Pages available COMPLIMENTARY FOR 50 DAYS to Entrepreneurs who register at and present a viable business idea. After that trial/testing period, Monthly Optimized Bandwidth will be available for $599 for 100 days ($6 per day); $999 for 200 days ($5 per day); and $1599 for 400 days ($4 per day.)  A “2012 Earned Cash Flow Bonus” will be shared by the eight Landing Pages in eight different “Sociographic Classes” that generate the most Cash Flow from their Managed Optimized Bandwidth commitment.  The eight classes are Students of Entrepreneurship (Elementary/Secondary/College-University), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) Military Veterans, Facebook Small Business Information, LinkedIn Small Business Barter Exchange, and Twitter@SmallBizDavid. Complete details can be found at

“SmallBizDavid” has demonstrated that creating a YouTube Channel, linking to Google+, with a simple download to any Landing Page in davidsbarter Community, will create dynamic traffic—especially to  Related to that initiative is SmallBizdavid” ‘s “Mentors of Entrepreneurship.  Ten thousand “Mentors of Entrepreneurship” will have Priority Status in davidsbarter Community, with special access to critical information from “SmallBizDavid” including the unique usage of Small Business Key Words to drive traffic to the Community’s Members and their Landing Pages.  A primary objective for the “Members of Entrepreneurship” will be for the 10,000 “mentors” mentoring 10,000 additional folks on Starting a Small Business in davidsbarter Community—thereby creating 10,000 more new jobs.

Small Business Key Words are the Community traffic drivers; more than 1000 are found in “How Do You Answer These 749 Questions About Your Small Business?” “SmallBizDavid” ‘s self-published book from 4 years ago—and available as a COMPLIMENTARY PDF download to all registered Community Members.  On the Community Bulletin Board, more than 500 additional Small Business Key Words are found with the 250 “YouTubes” that “SmallBizDavid” has created in the categories of Social Marketing, Social Network Technology, Small Business Collaboration, Starting a New Small Business, (What’s Inside) “SmallBizDavid” ‘s Red Google Bag” Small Business Money Matters, and Small Business Touchpoints.

In conjunction with the launch of Phase Two of davidsbarter Community, is “SmallBizDavid” ‘s YouTube series on “Starting a New Small Business”.  An additional 200 Small Business Key Words will be discussed in Nine Modules that are titled:

“To do or not to do—Should YOU Start a Business?”

“YOUR Business Idea”

“Finding YOUR Team of “Mentors of Entrepreneurship”

“Development of YOUR Business Strategy”

“Development of YOUR Social Marketing Social Network Technology”

“Small Business Money Money Matters”

“Small Business Law/Accounting Decisions”

“Finding Resources for YOUR Small Business”

“Start Developing YOUR Customer Touchpoints”

Davidsbarter Community Members will communicate with each other with a unique, proprietary Messaging System.  Email will not be supported on an Inbound or Outbound basis inside the Community’s secure firewalls.

Do you know an Entrepreneur who wants to Start a New Business or create an additional Cash Flow revenue stream for an exiting Small Business?  Visit today.

In 2004, David Leopold began to develop his current Small Business Model embracing the Business2Business discipline under his “Dreaming With Entrepreneurs” brand.  Nearly three years ago, he began to build The David Leopold Network Community, including focused upon simplifying the Marketing/Technology of Starting A Business.  SmallBizDavid has evolved as the DavidsBarter “avatar”. The SmallBizDavid Foundation, LLC has been formed and will be accepting 10,000 Charter Lifetime Members.  The SmallBizDavid foundation will get 10,000 New Businesses started; each of those “Entrepreneurial Ambassadors” will be charged with “mentoring” 10,000 New Businesses to be started. David is also a best-selling co-author of the business book, Counter-Attack: Business Strategies for Explosive Growth in the New Economy for which he was honored with a Golden Quill Award from The National Academy of Best Selling Authors™ in 2011.

Davidsbarter and SmallBizDavid have now achieved the “top spot” in Google Search Rankings.

To learn more about David Leopold, please visit

Posted Under: Celebrity Branding Agency