Integrative Medicine Expert Dr. John Trowbridge Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With Mastering the Art of Success
John Parks Trowbridge, M.D., founding physician at Life Celebrating Health, recently ranked on the best-seller list with the new book, Mastering the Art of Success, co-authored with Jack Canfield.
Houston, Texas – August 17, 2017 – Dr. John Trowbridge specializes in diagnosing and finding solutions to frustrating chronic conditions. He joined the legendary Best-Selling Author® Jack Canfield, originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, and a select group of ThoughtLeaders® from around the world, including international Best-Selling Authors® and marketing experts, JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nanton, Esq., to co-write the book Mastering the Art of Success.
This title unlocks the secrets of success in business and life. The entrepreneurs lending their advice in this publication share their unique methods, tips, and lessons learned in order to reach the pinnacles they stand on today. The book was published by CelebrityPress®, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world, and was released on July 13, 2017.
On the day of release, Mastering the Art of Success reached best-seller status on – reaching as high as #6 in the “Direct Marketing” category. The book also made its mark at #43 in the “Sales and Selling” category and #75 in the “Marketing” category. Dr. Trowbridge contributed a chapter titled “Startling ‘Second Opinion’ Secrets Finally Revealed – Surviving Drugs And Surgery,” revealing how to get the best out of your physicians in order to maximize your health and the health of your employees. The expert information shared in his chapter has helped the book reach optimal best-seller placement and will help readers gain similar success in their endeavors. His chapter won a coveted Editor’s Choice Award.
CelebrityPress® describes the book:
The starting point of all achievement is desire. ~ Napoleon Hill
Mastering a job means we are proficient at performing that particular task successfully. It is also useful to note here that the word “success” has different meanings to different people. Success can mean, among other things: fame, fortune, emotional or skillful achievement.
Proceeding through our growth years to maturity, we spend time and effort accumulating knowledge and resources, assessing our strengths and limitations, and taking action based on what we have learned. As we grow, so does our appetite for adventure and success. So, fortified with our initial progress, we set out to test our strength against the world. For those who achieve mastery of one job, the taste of success and the confidence it generates often propels them to attempt to master other tasks.
To accomplish a chosen undertaking is synonymous with success; however, learning to master more significant tasks is often our real challenge. That’s where the Celebrity Experts® in this book come in. They have achieved mastery in their various fields and are willing to share their secrets and methods of mastery with you. An integral quality of successful people is their willingness to help others succeed. One of the finest secrets for Mastering the Art of Success can be found in the following quote:
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~ Thomas Edison
After such a successful release, Dr. Trowbridge will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
Click HERE to order a copy of Mastering the Art of Success.
A portion of the royalties earned from Mastering the Art of Success will be given to Entrepreneur’s International Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating awareness for charitable causes.
About Dr. John Trowbridge:
“Dr. T” – as he’ s affectionately been known for 39 years – claims he’s “just getting started,” now asking better questions and finding superior answers for healing your body.
An Eagle Scout, National Merit and California State Scholar, he concentrated on immunology and molecular biology at Stanford University. “Medical school was so much fun I’d have been a permanent student if they just paid me,” he recalls about Case Western Reserve University.
“I told the clerkship chief, a prominent heart surgeon, that 8 weeks of surgery was about 8 weeks too many, since I planned to be a ‘medicine man.’” From day one, he fell in love with operating and later trained in general then urological surgery (at the celebrated Texas Medical Center). Plans changed: Dr. T realized that his superb medical training, coupled with a singular commitment to patient outcomes, meant he often “revised” the care plans of other doctors. Oops! That would mean bankruptcy because colleagues would not refer patients for surgery!
Entering general practice in 1978, he became a busy “industrial physician” serving 53 area companies, also chief medical officer of Texas International Airlines. Again, plans changed: disheartened with risks, reactions, and limited results from drugs and surgery, Dr. T explored other approaches. An advanced degree in nutritional medicine launched him on a journey with extraordinary state-of-the-art tools to repair illness and promote health.
Lingering questions: why and how do people get sick? Dr. T prowled around and stumbled on obscure toxic heavy metals (pollution!), becoming a preeminent educator in chelation therapy, the exclusive FDA-approved treatment. Further, unrecognized devastation by internal yeast was creating discomforts and diseases in 40% of Americans. Innovative treatments in his 1986 Bantam Books bestseller The Yeast Syndrome are acclaimed around the world.
Enthusiastic for patients to get exceptional care, Dr. T often lectures across the country, in Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Brazil. His predictable success with complicated illness patients is endorsed in over 5-dozen volumes of Who’s Who, by selection for the 2014 Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award from the International College of Integrative Medicine, and by recognition in 1990 as a Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine.
Trowbridge hesitates to reel off professional organizations he has served as president. “Honors don’ t matter,” he explains, “only the vitality and joy I produce for each unique patient.” Busting out of the box: “My clinical research focuses on identifying and treating diseases from unsuspected parasites (including plant fungus, of all things!), dramatic rejuvenation with exceptional stem cells, reversing heart disease, healing neck/back/joint pains without surgery, literally the list is long.”
Dr. T’s CDs, DVDs, books, articles, and lectures have opened eyes to healing beyond drugs and surgery. “I’m also proud of medical politics contributions: as a med student, I got leaders in AMA and Podiatry talking. Three years later, foot specialists were permitted to operate in hospitals.”
Dr. Trowbridge is completing the flagship volume – Top 5 Reasons to Doubt Your Heart Doctor – in his forthcoming Doubt Your Doctor™ series, which will enlighten patients with all kinds of diseases on the risks of modern medical care and on health promotion strategies to help them feel better and live longer.
The catchphrase for Life Celebrating Health in Houston has long been “When life is your choice, failure is not an option.” Trowbridge proclaims that every patient deserves leading-edge breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment: “Find it now– Fix it right!”
You can connect with Dr. Trowbridge at:
About CelebrityPress® LLC:
CelebrityPress® LLC is a leading business book publisher that publishes books from Thoughtleaders® around the world. CelebrityPress® LLC specializes in business anthologies, among various other types of titles, and has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins, and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress® LLC focuses on helping its authors grow their businesses and their personal brands through book publishing; the organization has successfully helped launch thousands of best-selling authors® to date.
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