Inspired By The Depression, Stewart Miller Developed Safe Money Strategies To Weather Any and All Storms

Flint, MI – July 8, 2013 – For nearly 20 years, Stewart Miller, President of Estate Financial Group in Flint, Michigan, has protected over a quarter of a billion dollars’ worth of assets for hundreds of hardworking Americans using his Safe Money strategies. These strategies have allowed his clients to do what few investors have managed over the course of what financial industry insiders have called “the lost decade.” They have achieved above average returns, and experienced no losses.

Miller says when he started as a financial advisor in the 1990s, some second guessed him for his cautious recommendations. “People were making 12 percent returns and my clients were making 5 to 7 percent. But when those people lost their double digit percent, mine didn’t lose anything,” he says. He told his clients “you’ll like me when the market’s up, you’ll love me when it’s down,” and they did. Miller credits his first clients – retirees who had witnessed the Great Depression first-hand – with teaching him how quickly the market can change, and how easily fortunes can be lost.

It’s not uncommon for 40- 80 year olds to find Stewart Miller online to ask for a second opinion on their annuity options.  In fact, he is among the most frequently recommended insurance agents on the internet. When people can’t find the information they’re looking for through their banks, credit unions, or local representatives, they come to him, and the annuity he most often recommends is the hybrid index annuity.

Where other annuities sacrifice flexibility, Hybrid index annuities give their holders far more control, while keeping principal safe. While they aren’t tied to the market, their payouts increase when interest rates rise, and when rates fall, the principal – with any gains made – remains untouched. These annuities can be used to guarantee an income, almost like a pension, which retirees can never outlive while maintaining potential for growth, and there are no annual fees for management. Flexibility is built in with multiple exit plans for liquidity and provisions for unexpected expenses, like the “Long Term Care Annuity.” Many hybrid annuities even wave surrender charges on death, allowing heirs to inherit without paying for it.

In short, it’s the ideal product for Miller’s Safe Money philosophy: “If all fails, it still guarantees them income they can never outlive.” Today’s retirees have to plan to live a very long time, with increasing numbers of people reaching their late eighties and nineties, and Miller maintains that in the absence of pensions, nothing can cover that “longevity risk” like annuities.


Posted Under: Stewart Miller