Information Technology Expert, Jennifer Bleam, Signs Publishing Deal with CelebrityPress to Release New Business Book, “The Tech Multiplier”

Jennifer Bleam, Director of Marketing at Frogworks, has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business book publishing company, along with several leading speakers and entrepreneurs from around the world to release the book, The Tech Multiplier.

Washington D.C.  – September 17, 2012 Jennifer Bleam, Director of Marketing at Frogworks, has joined with a select group of the world’s leading Speakers and Trainers to co-write the forthcoming book titled, The Tech Multiplier: The World’s Leading Technology Consultants Reveal In Depth Case Studies of How the Smartest Businesses in the World are Leveraging Technology to Increase Profits and Reduce Waste While Safeguarding Data. Nick Nanton, along with business partner, JW Dicks, recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress® imprint.

Jennifer Bleam is a veteran business owner who enjoys solving business challenges by shaping unique solutions. Her colleagues and clients recognize her unique ability to translate techno-babble into everyday English that any business owner can understand. In her spare time, she enjoys working on jigsaw puzzles, and applies the same analytical skills when thinking through clients’ challenges. She loves to create operational systems that simply make things function better. Jennifer also has the uncanny ability to walk into a business and quickly spot some aspect that, if improved, would transform customer satisfaction.

The Tech Multiplier features proven secrets and strategies from some of the world’s leading entrepreneurs.  These experts share how to realize maximum sales and profits in an uncertain and changing economy.

To learn more about Jennifer Bleam and how you can receive a free report entitled “An Insider’s Guide To Choosing An Honest, Reliable & Competent Computer Guy” please visit

About Celebrity Press®:

Celebrity Press® is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press® has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Mari Smith, and many of today’s biggest experts across many diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press® or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit



Sergei Hagley

Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®


[email protected]

Posted Under: CelebrityPress