Holistic Health Expert Phil Selinsky Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Book, Win!
Phil Selinsky, N.D., holistic health expert and hypnotherapist, has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business and marketing book publishing company, along with leading business and marketing experts from around the world to release the book, “Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts.”
Santa Barbara, Calif. – July 14, 2011 – Phil Selinsky, N.D., Author and Founder of the Institute For Holistic Studies, recently joined a select group of leading experts on a broad array of subjects, from around the world to co-write the forthcoming book titled, Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts. Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.
Phil Selinsky has maintained a private Naturopathic practice in Santa Barbara, Thousand Oaks, Ojai, Glendora, and San Diego in addition to his teaching commitments over the past 20 years. He has taught a 528 hour NATURAL HEALTH AND MASSAGE THERAPY class at the Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute in Santa Barbara and an 18 credit hour NATURAL HEALING class at Citrus College in Glendora and a 100 hour workshop at the Pacific Beach Yoga And Healing Arts in San Diego. Phil is also the author of the soon to be published three-volume series book, “THE HUMAN MACHINE … A Trouble Shooter’s Manual”.
The forthcoming book, Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts will feature top advice from some of the most successful experts from around the world. The authors will be sharing business strategies and real-life solutions that can help others in the new and rapidly changing economy.
For more information on Phil Selinsky, N.D., please visit http://www.TheHumanMachine.com
To learn more about CelebrityPress™, please visit http://www.CelebrityPressPublishing.com
About Phil Selinsky, N.D.:
After almost 20 years in mechanical engineering designing automated machines and tools for GM, Ford, and Chrysler in Michigan, and McDonnel Douglas and Convair and Proctor & Gamble in California, Phil decided to apply his engineering skills to more complex machines (human bodies).
He completed training as a Hypnotherapist from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in 1974.
He graduated from the Los Angeles College of Massage and Physical Therapy’s Instructor Training Course in 1976.
With the very creative help of Karen Halcyon, he founded the INSTITUTE FOR HOLISTIC STUDIES in Santa Barbara in 1976.
He obtained the California Office of Private and Post Secondary Education approval for:
The first 1000-hour Holistic Health Practitioner Program in the State of California
The first massage instruction video program in California
The first “approved” school of hypnosis in California.
He created the first “Chair Massage” program, instruction book, and video program in California.
He also founded the Central Coast Chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) and served as the Public Relations Director for the American Massage Therapy Association (California Chapter).
He received his certification in Advanced Modern and Traditional Acupuncture from the Occidental Institute for Chinese Studies in 1979.
He graduated from the Anglo-American Institute for Naturopathic Studies in 1980.
He is the author of the soon to be published three-volume series book, “THE HUMAN MACHINE … A Trouble Shooter’s Manual”.
What is the design purpose of this machine (our bodies)?
Volume I: SRUCTURE GOVERNS FUNCTION … the shape of something determines its potential function.
How does the structural purpose of this “machine” conflict with the present environment to create stress, which results in symptoms of disease?
How do personal and business relationships generate stress, which results in symptoms of disease?
Volume II: BLOOD CHEMISTRY DRIVES BEHAVIOR … within the structural capacity, that is.
How does blood chemistry alter and affect behavior, which results in aches and pains and symptoms of disease?
How can you read the “dashboard gages” on this machine to avoid a major organ breakdown years in advance?
Volume III: HIATAL HERNIA SYNDROME … the hidden weakness that is frequently misdiagnosed, leading to most chronic aches and pains and degenerative disease conditions.
How does this genetic weakness result in symptoms of serious disease profiles like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as common ailments like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sciatica?
About Celebrity Press™:
CelebrityPress™ was created by founders Nick Nanton, Esq. and J.W. Dicks,Esq, Best-Selling business authors of more than 25 books combined, to provide an alternative publishing platform to entrepreneurs and professional experts. CelebrityPress™ provides these experts with the opportunity to combine their unique messages into anthologies that cover the ”best of” any particular topic. Since 2009, the publisher has already been responsible for 16 best-sellers featuring over 300 authors – and it has a stream of new books in production, featuring many other influential business figures.
Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron Legrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many other notable experts across diverse fields.
If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com/contact-us