Holistic Health Entrepreneur, Mega R. Mease, Hit Amazon Best-Seller List with “Cracking the Success Code Vol 2”

Tuscon, AZ – December 29, 2022 – Mega R. Mease, Holistic Health Entrepreneur, joined Brian Tracy along with a select group of professionals around the world to co-write the book, Cracking the Success Code Vol 2: The world’s leading professionals reveal their top secrets to help you for optimum health, wealth and success.  The book was published by CelebrityPress®, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world and was released on July 7, 2022.


The day after release, Cracking the Success Code Vol 2 reached best-seller status on Amazon.  The expert information shared in Mega’s chapter, “Success Is A #$@#^% Word!” has helped the book reach optimal best-seller placement and will help readers gain similar success in their endeavors.


CelebrityPress® describes the book as empowering to all small business owners around the world with the following:

It is amazing how different we all think of Success. While some of us think in terms of material, measurable success, others think in terms of accomplishment, public acclaim, and/or moral intangibles. Whether measurable or not, we pursue our individual dreams to attain a feeling of accomplishment or perhaps in serving others. The major difference is that the former (measurable) is easy to quantify, while the latter (intangible) is steeped in opinion, judgment and fulfillment. As no universal measurement for success exists, personal options abound.

The idea of Cracking the Success Code can be compared in some ways to finding the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Our ability to achieve our dreams can be totally enticing and attract us like a magnet. The beauty of achievement is that it can lead us to bigger dreams and greater successes. That is no surprise. Success is the very essence of our survival, focus, and growth. The CelebrityExperts® in this book have enjoyed cracking the success code. They have achieved a platform of success that can launch them to greater accomplishments. Learning how they have attained their goals is an important lesson to all who chase their dreams. If you wish to pursue your own dreams, you can learn from their experiences (both successes and failures), therein saving yourself both valuable time and expense. The authors herein can mentor you on their successes and even what they avoided – lessons worth their weight in gold! It is now time for action.


After such a successful release, Mega R. Mease will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.


Click HERE to order a copy of Cracking the Success Code Vol 2


A portion of the royalties earned from Cracking the Success Code Vol 2 will be given to Entrepreneur’s International Fund, an organization dedicated to creating awareness for charitable causes.




About Mega

Mega R. Mease, known as the “Everyday Ordinary Healer,” is a Holistic Health Entrepreneur and founder/ owner of the Center for Advanced Energy Therapeutics and the CAET Community Wellness Volunteer Program in Tucson, Arizona. Additionally, she is on the Board of the National Alliance of Energy Practitioners. Her passion is providing a vehicle in which others learn to live a happier, healthier existence.

She describes her pathway to success as a long, sometimes treacherous, and yet exciting winding road. Her work evolved slowly and sometimes painfully out of her natural abilities and life circumstances rather than clear-cut goals that were mindfully planned. Therefore, she sees her work as a life “calling” rather than a sought-after career.

When asked, “Who are you and what do you do?” she answers with an ear-to-ear grin: “Today, I am fully engaged in a life of joy, authenticity, and fulfillment. Holistic health isn’t only a professional path; it’s my lifestyle. Family and friends are my greatest treasures; my work is my play, and service is my nurture.”

People of all walks of life and ages come to her seeking stress reduction, relaxation, and guidance. These include those with mental, emotional, and physical challenges as well as people with life-threatening diseases. Her rare deep-seated wisdom regarding manifestation can be experienced in the energy healing, health, wealth, relationship, and business arenas. Mega refers to her credentials as simply fancy words that attempt to describe how she spends her time. In her words…

“I earn my keep here on earth by supporting others on their path to empowerment and joy.”

Mega’s skillsets as an Energy Healer and Energy Diagnostician are utilized in all of the services she provides. The foundation is seeing and finding the emotional trauma in the physical body and auric field that is sourced by illness, disease, disorder, depression, grief, and other forms of crises. The value of her work continues with the energy movement that holds the condition in place.

Several healing methods have been birthed from Mega’s decades of experience. Her longstanding involvement in Energy Healing, Nutrition, and Self–Empowerment led to the creation and development of HeartRay™ Energetic Therapy, Bone Energy Re-Pattering™, FootFlex™, and the Mega Method™ of Healing. Staying true to her Reiki roots, Mega lives, loves, and walks the Reiki path and therefore utilizes it as the foundation of the more invasive methods she has created.

Last but not least, Ms. Mease is credited with building, directing, and funding the longest-standing Hospital Reiki Volunteer Program in the United States from 2006-2016. Over 7,000 Reiki sessions were provided by Mega and her staff. Now, renamed and relocated to the Center, The CAET Community Wellness Volunteer Program offers an array of holistic services provided by several practitioners free of charge. Recipients must be under the care of a physician and being treated for cancer, on a transplant list, diagnosed with a brain injury, or be a veteran struggling with PTSD and other anxiety-based challenges.

The majority of Mega’s services are available both in-house and remotely.


Reach out today:

  • www.AdvancedEnergyTherapeutics.com
  • www.megaRmease.com
  • www.facebook.com/groups/Abundance





About CelebrityPress® LLC:


CelebrityPress® LLC is a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world. CelebrityPress® LLC specializes in business anthologies, among various other types of titles, and has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins, and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress® LLC focuses on helping its authors grow their businesses and their personal brands through book publishing; the organization has successfully helped launch thousands of best-selling authors® to date. 



Learn more at www.celebritypresspublishing.com



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Posted Under: Cracking the Success Code Vol 2, Mega R. Mease