Health and Fitness Expert, Ginny Grupp, Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release 3 Steps To YOUR BEST BODY In Record Time

Ginny Grupp, fitness boot camp expert, has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business marketing and health book publishing company, along with leading health and fitness experts from around the world to release the book, “3 Steps To YOUR BEST BODY In Record Time.

Anchorage, Alaska – March 10, 2011 – Ginny Grupp, of AlaskaFit Boot Camps, recently joined a select group of the world’s leading health and fitness entrepreneurs including noted fitness industry experts Sean Greeley and Eric Ruth to co-write the forthcoming book titled, 3 Steps To YOUR BEST BODY In Record Time: America’s Leading Fitness Experts Reveal The Proven 3-Step System To The Body You Always Wanted…In Minimum Time. Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.

Ginny Grupp has worked with hundreds of clients in Alaska and around the United States. She launched AlaskaFit Boot Camps in 2009 and is making health and fitness a priority for Alaskans.  Her philosophy is, “It’s not about getting into shape, it’s about getting into life!”  AlaskaFit’s focus for clients is to get them physically fit and active for the simple reason that there is no better way to enjoy life than to feel good.

The forthcoming book, 3 Steps To YOUR BEST BODY In Record Time: America’s Leading Fitness Experts Reveal The Proven 3-Step System To The Body You Always Wanted…In Minimum Time, will feature top advice from health, fitness and wellness experts from across the globe covering the subjects of total body health, fitness and nutrition.  The book is designed to help people find a breakthrough fitness strategy that works for them. 3 Steps To YOUR BEST BODY In Record Time will offer proven strategies to help people achieve the level of fitness they have always desired.

For more information about Ginny Grupp and AlaskaFit Boot Camps, please visit

To learn more about CelebrityPress™, please visit

About Ginny Grupp

Born and raised in New York, Ginny found fitness at twelve years old. That was when she got swept up in the Jane Fonda fitness craze, donned leg warmers and did the “Jane Fonda Workout” 3 times a day in her room.  She loved the feeling of strength that came along with the wide variety of exercises and knew somehow, fitness would always be a part of her life.

Off she went to college, where she discovered running and strength training, then to New York City, where she first worked with a personal trainer.  Thinking this was a much more fun option than her 9-to-9 job in the financial industry, she eventually left her Wall Street career.  Although she had run the NYC marathon and inspired many of her friends and co-workers to add fitness to their lives, she wasn’t quite ready to jump from the cubicle to the gym.

Instead, she combined her passion for fitness with a passion for the outdoors and traveled for 3 years before arriving in Alaska.  Here, she found her home.  In 2003, she decided that Girdwood, Alaska would be her permanent residence and that it was time to pursue fitness as a full-time career.  She became an ACE-certified personal trainer in 2003, continued on to a Master of Science in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and achieved her Performance Enhancement Specialty certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine in 2007.  She launched AlaskaFit in 2005 and began to grow and expand the business in 2007.

For more information about Ginny Grupp and AlaskaFit Boot Camps, please visit

About Celebrity Press™:

Celebrity Press™, founded by JW Dicks, Esq. and Nick Nanton, Esq., is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping it’s authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron Legrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many more of the biggest experts across diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit

Posted Under: 3 Steps To Your Best Body, CelebrityPress