Health And Fitness Expert, Dr. Veronica Anderson, Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Book, Win!

Dr. Veronica Anderson, Founder and Host of web radio talk show, Wellness for the REAL World, has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business and marketing book publishing company, along with leading business and marketing experts from around the world to release the book, “Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts.

New York, NY. – April 7, 2011 – Dr. Veronica Anderson, Founder and Host of health and wellness web radio talk show, Wellness for the REAL World, recently joined a select group of leading experts on a broad array of subjects, from around the world to co-write the forthcoming book titled, Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts. Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.

Dr. Veronica has become known by many for her intellectual and passionate commentary on today’s most popular and debated health perspectives. In addition to her regular radio talk show, Veronica’s upbeat and outspoken perspectives on healthy living have been featured on TV talk shows including Our World with Neil Cavuto (Fox News Channel), and Live with Adam Carolla (syndicated). In addition, radio hosts coast to coast have seen their lines light up as listeners clamor to hear more of Veronica’s straight-forward, pull-no-punches philosophy. She also serves as Host and Guide for Medicine Woman, Modern World, a healthy living travel adventure series for the web. Dr. Veronica’s health and wellness web radio talk show, Wellness for the REAL World is braodcast worldwide on Old Grumpy Radio and has a weekly listenership of 7 million.

The forthcoming book, Win!: Winning Strategies From Today’s Leading Experts will feature top advice from some of the most successful experts from around the world.  The authors will be sharing business strategies and real-life solutions that can help others in the new and rapidly changing economy.

To learn more about Dr. Veronica Anderson and Wellness for the Real World, please visit

To learn more about CelebrityPress™, please visit

About Dr. Veronica Anderson:

Mother. Surgeon. Black Belt. 2-time Marathoner. Talk Show Host.

Not just another health and wellness doctor giving advice, Dr. Veronica’s MD also stands for Many Dimensions.  She believes wellness encompasses everything from mind, body and spirit to happiness, personal growth, relationships and topics in today’s headlines.

As host of the weekly talk radio show Wellness for the Real World with Dr. Veronica on BlogTalkRadio, she explores life from the intersection of health, politics and pop culture.  Sharing freely of her own experience, she is both entertaining and tough with guests and unafraid of controversy.  Listeners return for more of her head-on approach to issues in our lives, and her unique blend of traditional and alternative solutions. Dr. Veronica has emerged as a smart, outspoken, fun-loving voice for healthy living in today’s media.

As an entertaining, lively and provocative guest, she has appeared on national TV talk shows such as Nancy Grace (CNN), Our World with Neil Cavuto (Fox News Channel), and Live with Adam Carolla (syndicated). In addition, radio hosts coast to coast have seen their lines light up as listeners clamor to hear more of Veronica’s straight-forward, pull-no-punches philosophy. She also serves as Host and Guide for Medicine Woman, Modern World, a healthy living travel adventure series for the web.

Determined to become a doctor at age four, she completed pre-med at Princeton University, received her MD with honors after internship and residency at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and New York’s Mt. Sinai Medical Center, where she received a fellowship in glaucoma. She has practiced at Robert Wood Johnson, Philadelphia’s Wills Eye Hospital, and is also a fellow of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and a diplomat of the American Board of Ophthalmology.

About Celebrity Press™:

CelebrityPress™ was created by founders Nick Nanton, Esq. and J.W. Dicks,Esq, Best-Selling business authors of more than 25 books combined, to provide an alternative publishing platform to entrepreneurs and professional experts. CelebrityPress™ provides these experts with the opportunity to combine their unique messages into anthologies that cover the ”best of” any particular topic.  Since 2009, the publisher has already been responsible for 16 best-sellers featuring over 300 authors – and it has a stream of new books in production, featuring many other influential business figures.

Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Ron Legrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many other notable experts across diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit

Posted Under: CelebrityPress, Dr. Veronica Anderson, Win!