Health and Exercise Franchise SuperSlow Zone® Proves Invaluable For Two Friends
SuperSlow Zone® – Sarasota, Fla., a distinctive health and exercise franchise of Orlando-based SuperSlow Zone®, LLC, provides welcome results for local small business owner and retiree who utilize the SuperSlow® workout method.
Sarasota, Fla. – Septmeber 23, 2008 – For the past several weeks, two friends, one retired, the other a small business owner, have been utilizing the SuperSlow® method of strength training at the SuperSlow Zone® in Sarasota, Fla. Terry Rowe and Walter Baldwin decided to give the SuperSlow® strength training method a try when they noticed that the hours of time they spent in the gym doing the same routine, had increasingly become tedious and unyielding of results.
The SuperSlow® method is an expert supervised, 20-minute, twice-a-week, strength training protocol that has proven to be the safest, most efficient and effective form of strength training available. SuperSlow Zone’s® clients are men and women who seek a professional service that delivers maximum results in a minimum amount of time. SuperSlow® has been the leading strength training protocol for more than 26 distinguished years.
Walter Baldwin, a local small business owner and client of SuperSlow Zone® – Sarasota, Fla. said, “It’s been about 20 years since exercising on a supervised gym program. Until starting at SuperSlow Zone® about 6 weeks ago, I did simple calisthenics (push-ups, sit-ups, etc.) 45-60 minutes a day to maintain a certain level of fitness. This was not altogether successful and was boring and time consuming. A friend of mine, who was also bored with in-home routines, heard about and suggested that we try SuperSlow Zone®.”
“We did so for the 12-session trial period. It was so noticeably beneficial that we both signed up for the 72 sessions program before the 12 sessions were up. Losing inches and pounds where you want to, and gaining inches as well where you want to-all in two, twenty-minute sessions a week. How fulfilling,” Baldwin continued.
After 6 weeks as a SuperSlow Zone® client, Walter’s friend, retiree Terry Rowe added, “’One more time’ are the best words I hear at SuperSlow Zone® next to ‘you did good.’ My SuperSlow® trainer taught me that the last gut wrenching move is a key to progress. Unbelievably so! And it works! When I shave in the morning and see the man in the mirror staring back at me has pecs again, when I can walk ‘without wobbling and bend without straining and when my biceps lift and my back doesn’t ache, I know the efforts of my trainer are so very worthwhile and offer my eternal gratitude. After all the hours-upon-hours spent at home lifting weights and stretching, exhausting my energies and spirit, SuperSlow Zone® restored not only my strength but my living time so that I have more hours for me and my loved ones – more living time, more loving time, more happy times and more energy.”
Pam Kirscher, co-owner of SuperSlow Zone® Sarasota, Fla. and Certified SuperSlow® Instructor said, “”At SuperSlow Zone, we are able to help many people achieve their goals and experience numerous health benefits as a result of their personal training sessions. It just takes one or two 20-minute workouts a week. Terry & Walter are representative of many of our clients who are experiencing benefits after just 6 weeks of regularly working out 2x a week.”
For more information about SuperSlow Zone® – Sarasota, Fla., please visit
About SuperSlow Zone®, LLC:
SuperSlow® celebrates a 26-year history of helping people achieve optimal strength and health in minimum time. SuperSlow® strength training is the original, codified, accredited, high-intensity, low-force strengthening exercise protocol. It was created and developed by founder Ken Hutchins out of a $3.2 million osteoporosis study in 1982 at the University of Florida School of Medicine.
SuperSlow Zone® is a distinctive health and exercise franchise that exclusively delivers SuperSlow® strength training to busy people of all ages throughout the world, enabling them to achieve and maintain strong, healthy and attractive bodies. As the leader-in-the-field to create ‘a professional service positioning for exercise’ and ‘the ideal clinical exercise environment,’ distraction-free, properly cooled and ventilated climate, SSZ ensures the client/patient and the Certified SuperSlow® Instructor precision and focus in achieving and sustaining client results. Additionally, clients may choose to benefit from Healthy Eating Coaching for optimal weight and health goals.
SuperSlow Zone® is accredited by the prestigious IACET ( IACET also accredits the American Physical Therapy Association, National Institute of Health, Centers for Disease Control and, Duke University Medical Center, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Corporate University, GE Healthcare and many others. SSZ achieved and maintains this accreditation to ensure the highest standards of service and care for its clients.