Founder of SmilePalooza! Dr. Darold Opp, Suggests a Once-A-Year Check-up for Dental Practice
Dr. Darold Opp, founder of Advanced Family Dentistry and SmilePalooza! asks dentists to submit their practices to an annual check-up to keep it healthy, happy and running as efficiently as possible.
ABERDEEN, SD – January 5, 2015 – Dr. Darold Opp, DDS, founder of Advanced Family Dentistry and SmilePalooza!, recently posted a article on his website entitled “Time For a Year-End Dental Practice Check-up.” Open wide is the typical beginning for any dental check-up. Dr. Opp is suggesting in his recent article that dentists need to open their practices wide open to self-scrutiny to see how healthy their systems and daily business practices are.
As Opp writes, “Do you remember the last time you did a thorough check-up on all aspects of your dental practice? If it’s been awhile, then you can be certain there are things that can be improved.” He suggests starting by looking at the technology of the computers.
Opp asks, “For starters, how old is your electronic equipment, your computers and printers? Are you running your practice on antiquated equipment that takes forever to warm up in the morning?” He continues, “If you are not up-to-date with equipment, you are missing out on opportunities that could attract new patients through your doors. Be honest in your appraisal. If your equipment is more than four years old, it is antiquated by today’s standards. Newer computers boot up almost instantly, they run programs faster and more efficiently.”
In addition, Opp says that having multiple monitors is a small thing that can improve efficiencies. He writes, “get more than one monitor for your computer. According to research, having multiple monitors can “increase your productivity by 9 to 50 percent and make your work day easier.” Adding an additional monitor allows your staff to multitask and according to the same communication study, can “save as much as 2.5 hours each day.” Though he also cautions, “When you decide to add monitors, be sure that your video card can accept two when you buy your new PC.”
Additional check-up items include your practice’s EHR provider and marketing practices. According to Opp, “Making sure that you have the right EHR for your practice is important. Having the wrong one can be catastrophic.” About marketing he writes, “Social media marketing, SMS Text Marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, the MobileNet, if these words and phrases don’t mean anything to you, you are not properly marketing your practice. Word of mouth is not what it used to be in a dental practice. We lived in slower times, however now we are living at the speed of light. Word of mouth travels faster than ever before and it travels globally, If you don’t have a presence on the Internet (read MobileNet) you virtually do not exist!”
The entire article can be found here
To learn more about Dr. Opp and SmilePalooza! visit
About Dr. Opp and SmilePalooza!
Dr. Darold Opp has been a practicing dentist for 30 years and is in the top one-percent net income bracket of dentists in America. He was one of three finalists for the Marketer of the Year, an international competition held in Dallas, Texas, where he shared the stage with Dan Kennedy, recognized as the “World’s Greatest Marketer and Millionaire Maker”. Dr. Opp is the recipient of several awards for community involvement. He created SmilePalooza! as a way to give back to his patients and the community. SmilePalooza! has turned out to be an extraordinary marketing tool for the dental profession.