Founder of SmilePalooza! Dr. Darold Opp Says Pin Your Passion For A Successful Practice on Pinterest
Dr. Darold Opp, founder of Advanced Family Dentistry and SmilePalooza! continues to sing the praises of social media marketing for dental practices, citing Pinterest as the number one site for targeting women and moms.
ABERDEEN, SD – February 10, 2015 – Dr. Darold Opp, DDS, founder of Advanced Family Dentistry and SmilePalooza!, recently posted a new article on his website entitled “Social Media Marketing, Dentistry, Women and Pinterest.”
Dr. Opp launches right into his topic with, “I have already sung the praises of social media marketing, dental practice and women. Now I’m picking it up a notch and turning my attention, and yours to the most explosive social media marketing spot for women. That’s Pinterest.”
Opp turns right away to statistics to prove his point. He writes, “Recent studies show that of the 17% of adults who use Pinterest, 70% of them are women.” He elaborates, “While Pinterest became established primarily as a venue for DIY, tutorials and recipe pins, it has a 42% higher click-through rate than any other social media site.” Adding the following punch line, “And, the most fascinating part of the study is the following: “Pinterest drives more business referral traffic than Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined.”
Recognizing that some of his readers may not know much about Pinterest, Opp shares the sites Mission Statement, which is, “Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.”
According to Opp, “Your target audience, women and moms, are more likely to see you on Pinterest than just about any other social media site. So it makes sense to have a Pinterest site now more than ever, since Pinterest has rolled out the welcome mat to businesses.” Turning to hi SmilePalooza! event for an example, Opp writes, “If you are involved in non-traditional marketing efforts like SmilePalooza! you’ll rarely be at a loss for interesting pictures and information to pin.”
“The entire objective”, writes Opp, “is to create “boards” themed around a subject that relates to your practice and will be interesting to your patients and their Pinterest followers.”
He shares examples that are appropriate for a dental practice, writing, “For instance,Teeth Whitening, Wedding Day Smiles, Giving Back to the Community and Anti-Aging Dentistry might be topics to consider.” Opp is full of suggestions to help dental practices. He says, “If you have a social media maverick on staff, they are sure to have lots of great ideas. It’s most important to show your practice’s culture, to educate and engage. Hold weekly brainstorming sessions with your staff. That can be fun and rewarding for everyone. Create a contest.”
Opp cautions his readers, saying, “If you want to pin pictures of patients, be sure to get their permission in writing before pinning. You want to always focus on the positive and pin photos that are flattering.”
The entire article can be found at
To learn more about Dr. Opp and SmilePalooza! visit
About Dr. Opp and SmilePalooza!
Dr. Darold Opp has been a practicing dentist for 30 years and is in the top one-percent net income bracket of dentists in America. He was one of three finalists for the Marketer of the Year, an international competition held in Dallas, Texas, where he shared the stage with Dan Kennedy, recognized as the “World’s Greatest Marketer and Millionaire Maker”. Dr. Opp is the recipient of several awards for community involvement. He created SmilePalooza! as a way to give back to his patients and the community. SmilePalooza! has turned out to be an extraordinary marketing tool for the dental profession.