Founder of Medicine Horse Ranch, Alyssa Aubrey, Introduces Two Dysfunctions Corporate Teams Tend To Illustrate And How Her Time On The Range Helped Clarify Her Thoughts About Them.
Founder and Executive Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, Alyssa Aubrey, previews her next installment about her Great Basin cow herding experience and the two corporate dysfunctions her brought to mind.
TOMALES, CA – July 22, 2019 – Alyssa Aubrey, Founder of Medicine Horse Ranch and co-author of the best-selling book, The Road To Success, recently posted a new blog on her website entitled, “When Things Go Sideways On The Range,” in which Ms. Aubrey refers back to The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
“This month,” says Aubrey, “I’m continuing the lessons I learned during my 2017 cow herding experience in Nevada’s Great Basin.” She adds, “Last month I talked about the importance of trust. This month, you’ll read in my article, Nevada Journey Part Two: The Assignment, about something that happens from time to time out on the range and how the cowboys handle the “problem”.”
As Aubrey points out, “You’ll see that things are handled very differently and very swiftly on the range. Unlike in the corporate setting, there are no meetings, no discussions, no emails.” She emphasizes, “There is simply taking responsibility and taking care of the situation immediately.”
Aubrey talks about the second and third dysfunctions from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team ( and explains that, “When things go sideways out on the range, there is no one pointing fingers, blaming or looking for an ego boost. There is no fear of conflict with any member of the cow-herding team. There is no lack of commitment. Action is taken. Everyone plays their part. No questions asked.”
Read the entire blog at
About Alyssa Aubrey
Executive Director Alyssa Aubrey, CEGE, is the Founder and Program Director of Medicine Horse Ranch, an educational experiential learning center incorporating horses in human self-development. Alyssa is a writer, teacher, facilitator, empowerment speaker, money coach, and business consultant with over 30 years of experience as both educator and entrepreneur. She is a Certified Equine Guided Educator (CEGE) and a Certified Money Coach through the Financial Recovery Institute.
Alyssa is a seasoned facilitator with broad experiences that arise from coaching over 6500 clients in equine-guided learning processes. She is compassionate and tenacious with a genuine passion for supporting others as they embark on new directions for discovery, recovery and transformation. She considers the herd of Medicine Horse program horses to be partners, healers, teachers and guides in this powerfully transformative, often spiritually awakening experience.
Alyssa’s current focus is developing eligible candidates to become successful in the field of horse and human interaction. She has developed a nationally recognized curriculum that includes best practices and core principles for the field, providing hands-on training and development through intern and apprenticeship participation.