Founder of Diabetes Health Magazine, Nadia Al-Samarrie, Reports on Being Nominated for Industry Awards.

San Francisco CA– March 31, 2015 – Nadia Al-Samarrie, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the essential resource for those living with diabetes, Diabetes Health Magazine, recently posted a new article on her website entitled, Diabetes Health Nominated for 5 Prestigious Awards.”

Al-Samarrie writes, “I am honored to be in the same category as Yoga Journal and look forward to being at the awards among some very talented creative contemporaries. The nomination in itself is a prestigious award and I thank the judges that support Diabetes Health’s patient advocate magazines. By recognizing Diabetes Health, they bring light to a wider audience and support our mission to inform and inspire those living with diabetes.”

The Diabetes Health nominations include one for the Best Digital Edition as well as the Best Video Channel. As Al-Samarrie states, “Diabetes Health serves the diabetes population in every available format.”

With a growing number of people being diagnosed with diabetes, according to Al-Samarrie, “ is the go-to resource for everything related to diabetes.” She acknowledges, “There is always something for everyone either interested in or living with a new or ongoing diagnosis of diabetes. For instance, I recently re-introduced my “Ask Nadia” column for those who have questions about the social aspects of living with diabetes. I personally answer questions and am accessible to patients living with this disease.”

In terms of nominations and awards, Al-Samarrie says, “This is not our first year being nominated by either or the Western Publishers Association. In 2003 and 2013, Diabetes Health was nominated for “Best in Health by the Western Publisher’s Association, and in 2014, they nominated Diabetes Health Pharmacist for “Best in Trade.” also nominated me for a “Lifetime Achievement” award in 2014.”

The entire article can be read

About Nadia Al-Samarrie

Founder and Publisher, Nadia Al-Samarrie was not only born into a family with diabetes, but also married into one.  She was propelled at a young age into “caretaker mode,” and with her knowledge of the scarcity of resources, support, and understanding for people with diabetes, co-founded Diabetes Interview–now Diabetes Health magazine. She is best known for using her personal experience in writing articles on a variety of topics. Her mission is to investigate, inform and inspire those living with diabetes.

Nadia is recognized as one of the most passionate innovative diabetes patient advocate in the diabetes community. She has personally funded and delivered at no cost, over 15 million copies of Diabetes Health magazine. In the last 24 years, Healthcare professionals in clinics and hospitals have come to depend on the magazine as an educational resource. The Western Publishers Association has nominated her magazines, Diabetes Health for “Best in Health” category in 2003 and 2013.  In 2014 Diabetes Health Pharmacist was nominated for “Best in Trade” digital magazine.

She is featured on “America’s Premier Experts” show, airing on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox television. Her publications and website have been sited, recognized and published in the WSJ, Ann Landers, Lee Iacocca, Entrepreneur magazine, Houston news,, Brand week, Drug Topics and many other media outlets. Nadia was nominated for a “Lifetime Achievement “Award by in 2014

About Diabetes Health

Diabetes Health is the essential resource for people living with diabetes- both newly diagnosed and experienced as well as the professionals who care for them. We provide balanced expert information and news on living healthfully with diabetes. Each issue includes cutting-edge editorial coverage of new products, research, treatment options, and meaningful lifestyle issues. The Western Publishers Association has nominated Diabetes Health for “Best in Health” category in 2003 and 2013. In 2014 Diabetes Health Pharmacist was nominated for “Best in Trade’ digital magazine.


Posted Under: Nadia Al-Samarrie