Fitness Expert Robert Santarossa Hits Amazon Best Seller List With “Champions”

Robert Santarossa, certified fitness expert, recently hit two separate best-seller lists with the new book “Champions.

Tecumseh, Ontario – February 15, 2012 – Robert Santarossa: AOS, RKC, recently joined with a select group of America’s leading experts on a broad array of subjects to co-write the book titled, Champions: Knockout Strategies For Health, Wealth and Success From Today’s Leading Experts. The book was released by CelebrityPress™ – a leading business book publisher.

Champions was released on Thursday, January 26th, 2012 and features top advice from some of the most successful experts from around the world. These authors share business strategies and real-life solutions that guide the reader down the championship lane of success.  Each author shares strategies that promote success in business and life. Robert Santarossa contributed a chapter titled “Being All Things To All Your People.”

On the day of release, Champions: Knockout Strategies For Health, Wealth and Success From Today’s Leading Experts reached best-seller status in two categories – reaching as high as #2 in the Direct Marketing category.  The book also reached best-seller status in the Entrepreneurship category.

Robert Santarossa helps busy moms, dads and teens to lose weight and re-shape their bodies in only thirty minutes a day using kettlebells, ropes, rocks, tires and more.  His innovative workout program called the “Perfekt Circuit” combines the best parts of interval training, functional fitness, circuit training, peripheral heart training, core strengthening and metabolic resistance training into an addictive, results-driven program that busy people can fit into their hectic schedule.

Robert opened his first fitness center in 2008.  In addition to his acclaimed workout routines, he also provides a unique nutrition program called the “EZ Eating System”.  Using his program clients successfully learn to correct their eating habits starting with the foods they already eat and then making small, manageable adjustments.  The EZ Eating System instantly provides feedback on key nutritional deficiencies such as protein, vitamins, minerals or omega 3’s for which Rob provides his clients with the best products available.

From CelebrityPress®:

Champions are ultimate winners. It is not a shared position. There are no two first places in a race. However, in business, we have a broader sense of championship. There are many races to run, many titles to earn, and many causes to champion. So there are many Champions.

Reaching the pinnacle and staying there in business is very difficult in a highly competitive setting. This rivalry drives competitors to perform their best to achieve their ultimate goals. In fact, it could readily be said that competition drives champions.

In this book, you will meet the Celebrity Experts®. This group focuses on success in business and personal achievement. We also learn from them that while economic predominance is important, the journey to get there is equally so. They revel in becoming the best. They revel in achieving goals that no one has before.

After such a successful release, Robert Santarossa will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

To order a copy of the book, please go to

To learn more about Robert Santarossa, “The 30 Minute Real Results Guy” and how you can receive free special reports, audios and videos on fitness and nutrition from one of the country’s leading experts, visit or call (519) 979-3238.

More about Robert Santarossa:

By drastically reducing the time it takes to exercise while creating fun and engaging routines coupled with a “full-service” nutrition program Robert has changed the lives of thousands of overscheduled, ”crazy busy” clients in just 30 minutes a day.

Always giving back to the community,  Robert has trained over 8,000 elementary school students at 14 different schools through his “School Fitness” program and has donated thousands of dollars in fitness to charities and fundraisers.

Robert’s unique program has attracted the attention of the national and local media, including CBC, A-Channel, CKLW Radio, Blackburn Radio, The Windsor Star, Windsor Body Magazine, INPLAY! Magazine, Biz-X Magazine and Simply LaSalle Magazine.

About Celebrity Press™:

Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Ron LeGrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields.

If you’d like to learn more about Celebrity Press™ or to see if we’re a good fit for your book project, please visit

Posted Under: CelebrityPress, Champions