Fitness Business Consultant Timothy Ward Signs Publishing Deal With CelebrityPress To Release The Fit Formula

Timothy Ward, author and fitness business consultant, has recently signed a publishing deal with CelebrityPress, a leading business marketing and health book publishing company, along with other leading health and fitness experts to release the book, The Fit Formula.

Orlando, Fla. – November 22, 2011 – Timothy Ward, fitness business consultant and author, recently joined a select group of the world’s leading health and fitness entrepreneurs to co-write the forthcoming book titled, The Fit Formula. Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which will be released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.

Timothy Ward graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2009 at the age of 20 and is now a fitness business consultant with Fitness Consulting Group. Tim is the author of the 2010 book The Theory of Fat Loss: A New Paradigm for Exercise and served as editor for Pat Rigsby’s The Little Black Book of Fitness Business Success. He has also done editing work on certifications for the International Youth Conditioning Association and Resistance Band Training.

In addition, he serves as the franchise Vice President of Operations for two franchised fitness businesses, Fitness RevolutionTM, the world’s fastest growing personal training franchise, and Athletic RevolutionTM, the only personal training franchise dedicated exclusively to the needs of young athletes aged 6-18, and is in charge of creating, managing, and disseminating the content of their subsequent franchise operations manuals.

The forthcoming book, The Fit Formula, will feature top advice from health, fitness and wellness experts from across the globe on the subjects of total body health, fitness and nutrition.  The book will be divided into three specific areas: Mindset, Nutrition and Physical fitness. The Fit Formula will offer proven strategies to help people achieve the level of fitness they have always desired.  The book is scheduled for release in December 2011.

For more information on Timothy Ward, visit his website at or add him to your circles on Google+ by visiting

About Celebrity Press™:

Celebrity Press™ is a business book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ specializes in helping its authors grow their businesses through book publishing. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Brian Tracy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Ron LeGrand, Mari Smith, Kelly O’Neil, Alexis Martin Neely and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields.

Posted Under: CelebrityPress, Fit Formula