Financial Advisor, Charisse Rivers, Featured on ABC
Charisse Rivers, CEO and Founder of Zinnia Wealth Management, was recently seen on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox network affiliates around the country as a guest on Hollywood Live.
Ocala, FL – May 14, 2019 – Charisse Rivers, Financial Advisor, was recently a featured guest on Hollywood Live. The show, which filmed at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California by an Emmy Award-winning crew, was hosted by Jack Canfield, Best-Selling Author® and co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul. The show included guests from around the country who shared their expertise and stories of their success. Charisse Rivers was one of the guests on the show, discussing her company, Zinnia Wealth Management and Zinnia Wealth Advisory and how they help pre-retirees and retirees prepare and get through their retirement.
Hollywood Live, filmed in Los Angeles, is produced by The Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®. The episode featuring Rivers recently aired on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox affiliates across the country.
About Charisse Rivers:
Charisse is a Financial Planner and Investment advisor that follows the Fiduciary standard in her industry. Fiduciary means looking out for the client’s best interest before the advisors! Charisse helps pre-retirees and retirees prepare for retirement by educating first and planning second.
Zinnia Wealth is a Boutique Independent Advisory firm where folks can get an unbiased customized retirement plan without the worry of a big bank or brokerage firm telling her what to do or sell. Her primary goal is to Protect, Grow and Reduce taxes on one’s wealth.
If you would like to learn more about Charisse Rivers and her services please contact her at:
Sarah Wilson
Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®
[email protected]