Femi Dada Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With Easy Prey!


Femi Dada Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With Easy Prey!

Cyber-security expert, author, and entrepreneur Femi Dada recently hit three Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new book, Easy Prey!

Lanham, Maryland – October 11, 2016 – Femi Dada, Project Management Professional (PMP), has joined a select group of Cyber-security experts from around the world, to co-write the book titled, Easy Prey: How to Protect Your Business from Data Breach, Cybercrime, & Employee Fraud. The book was published by TechnologyPress and released on August 18, 2016.

dsc_5143On the day of release, Easy Prey reached best-seller status in three Amazon.com categories – reaching as high as #1 in the category “Computers & Technology,” #3 in the “Computer Viruses” category, and #5 in the “Security & Encryption” category. Femi contributed a chapter titled “Mobile Device Security.”

TechnologyPress describes the book:

The term Easy Prey aptly describes those businesses exposed to the illegal, immoral and illicit industry known as Cybercrime. Unsuspecting and often unwary businesses and their personnel are often taken in as “easy prey” by cyber-gangsters. Cybercrime, which replaced cyber-vandalism, is growing quickly and more sophisticated daily. To counter the threats of cybercrime, the Celebrity Experts® in this book lead the way to secure their clients’ systems and data from vicious cyber-attacks. With added government regulations for compliance and privacy, these experts are called upon to train and protect their clients from the online bandits that frequent the Internet, as well as to meet regulatory compliance standards. The need to secure business cyber-systems and to train personnel in cyber-security has become critical. Businesses of every size can no longer assume their computer operations are safe. Professionals – like the Celebrity Experts® in this book – are called in to ensure they don’t become Easy Prey for the cybercriminals, thereby protecting them from the unimaginable social and financial consequences they can bring.

After such a successful release, Dada will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

Click HERE to order a copy of Easy Prey: How to Protect Your Business from Data Breach, Cybercrime, & Employee Fraud.

A portion of the royalties earned from Easy Prey will be given to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment.

About Femi Dada:

Femi Dada is a forward-thinking entrepreneur who went into business out of life circumstances, and in the process discovered how to help his clients and customers solve business problems with technology solutions. Femi was born in Nigeria and raised in a family of eleven. At the age of 21, he came to the U.S. on a student exchange program from abroad. Without a college degree, he worked two jobs waiting tables in Washington, DC, and at SunTrust Bank Retail Branch Banking. After his work authorization expired, and with a temporary work authorization, he joined Modis IT as an IT Contractor, where he worked and led various IT support projects, and managed to pay his way through college. He graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland University College (UMUC).

While working as an IT Staff Contractor, he discovered inefficiencies in the process of the IT services he was meant to deliver, and as a result, he started Smarthost Design Technologies in 2006. He had the desire to deliver the best in class IT support and technology solution services to help his clients and their businesses reach their full potential. Smarthost Design Technologies has grown in capabilities, including winning an IT services contracting vehicle (GSA IT-70 contract) and securing a government contract to support the U.S. Government Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Femi is a leading Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Cloud Computing, Web and Application Hosting, Information Security and Information Technologies Infrastructure Management and Support. He believes that technology is not for technology’s sake, but a means to an end in increasing business value and revenue. With his expertise, he serves his clients, businesses, organization and government agencies as a high-level CIO (Chief Information Officer) helping to make good and informed decisions on technologies to support their core business goals, objectives and initiatives. He has been a guest speaker at Young Professional Leadership Group (YPLG), Nigerian-American Information Technology Experts Group (NITEG), and Greater Beltsville Business Association (GBBA) on Cyber Security, Websites That Work, and Technologies to Power Business Success.

He is married to Olga, and together they have a daughter Sophia.

Femi believes that everyone has a God-given potential, and has made it his goal to help others reach theirs – just like he has discovered on his journey here in the U.S. Working in collaboration with clients and a dedicated team of professionals, Femi is looking to solve some of the greatest challenges faced by the world we live in today and solving it with – you guessed it, Technology.

If you would like to reach Femi Dada, you can do so using one of the methods below:


 About TechnologyPress:

 TechnologyPress is a leading business and technology book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. TechnologyPress has published books alongside Robin Robins and other Cybersecurity experts.


Courtney Hall
Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®
[email protected]

Posted Under: Celebrity Press, CelebrityPress, Easy Prey, JW Dicks, TechnologyPress