Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers Founder, Mindy Felinton Talks About How Everyone Got Blindsided By The Pandemic But That Positive Action Could Be A Great Distraction
Elder Care Attorney, Mindy Felinton makes suggestions for a positive action people can take as everyone is trying to make sense of life in the midst of a global pandemic. She also discusses how to get important legal documents prepared while maintaining social distance.
Delray Beach, FL., April 2, 2020: Mindy Felinton, founder of Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers, has posted a new article on her law firm’s website entitled “We Didn’t See This Coming,” in which Ms. Felinton encourages those who do not have their end of life wishes legally documented to take action now.
Felinton states, “If anyone saw this global pandemic coming and didn’t alert the troops, well, shame on them!” She continues, “Things are changing on a daily basis. While the world is adjusting to previously unheard-of restrictions, everyone is trying to make sense of how to behave in the face of this invisible terrorist.”
As Felinton points out, “The mortality rate is high for people 60+ and, it’s even a greater threat if your health is already compromised.” She further adds, “So, whether you are in this highly vulnerable group or not, if you’ve been inspired into taking action to getting all of your affairs in order during whatever down time you may be experiencing, I can’t say that’s a bad thing. In fact, it seems like a great motivator to get something important accomplished.”
According to Felinton, “If you have even the slightest thought that you would like to get your end of life wishes down in writing so that your loved ones will know how to proceed in the event of your death, be it timely or untimely, do not procrastinate a moment longer.” She affirms, “If you don’t have legal directives, your loved ones are the ones who will suffer.”
“This is a great time to establish an estate and asset protection plan,” says Felinton, adding, “Given that we are not sure how this is going to play out, with the volatility of the stock market and the rapid spread of the coronavirus taking positive action in at least one direction might be just the distraction you need.”
The entire article can be read at https://www.felintonlaw.com/we-didnt-see-this-coming/
About Mindy Felinton
From a young age, Mindy wanted to be the voice that would make an impact in people’s lives. She became an attorney and has practiced law for over 30 years, so that she could fulfill her desire to help others. As a special prosecutor, Mindy defended the underdog (literally) in cases of animal abuse. As a state attorney in Florida she fought for justice. During the last 25 years, Mindy met many wonderful people who did not know their rights, did not understand the law, and did not know what options were available.
Mindy assists families with Medicaid planning to help with the cost of nursing home care and with obtaining veteran’s benefits to make the cost of care more manageable. She also prepares wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and medical directives. Mindy is passionate about educating both other professionals and the public concerning VA Aid & Attendance benefits, Medicaid benefits, and the use of trusts for the protection of assets. She shares her experience and professional knowledge through free workshops, and as a frequent lecturer at State Bar Conferences.