Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers Founder, Mindy Felinton Shares Important Information About Growing Social Security Phone Scams
Elder Care Attorney, Mindy Felinton helps spread the word about the Social Security scam that is costing seniors millions and millions of dollars.
Delray Beach, FL. February 27, 2020: Mindy Felinton, founder of Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers, has posted a new article on her law firm’s website entitled “Protect Yourself And Loved Ones Against The Growing Social Security Scam,” in which Ms. Felinton encourages readers to share the information about the scam.
Felinton writes, “I’ve heard recently from some of my clients that they received an official email notice from the Social Security Administration (SSA) warning about imposter scams that are bilking seniors out of millions of dollars.” She continues adding, “That means the scam is growing and is very serious. If you don’t have an email account, the SSA may send you an official letter. It’s important to be on the alert for these scam calls.”
Felinton shares some startling statistics, writing, “The number of scams are increasing. For instance, in 2017, the SSA reported hearing from 3,200 people about SSA imposter scams. Those people reported losing nearly $210,000. In 2018 that number rose to more than 35,000 people reportedly being scammed at a loss of $10 million. As of Sept. 30, 2019, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reported receiving more than 450,000 complaints about scammers. Clearly the loss is much greater than $10 million!”
As Felinton reminds her readers, “Targeting seniors has always been a strategy of cons and scammers throughout the ages.” According to Felinton, “Seniors tend to be more vulnerable than younger age groups. Many have cognitive issues and are easily frightened which scammers are counting on.” Felinton adds, “With caller ID and many mobile phone companies now identifying potential scam and marketing calls, the best idea is simply not to answer any phone call unless it is from someone in your contact list. If you do answer a call and the person says that your Social Security Number has been suspended, hang up immediately.”
The entire article can be read at https://www.felintonlaw.com/protect-yourself-and-loved-ones-against-the-growing-social-security-scam/
About Mindy Felinton
From a young age, Mindy wanted to be the voice that would make an impact in people’s lives. She became an attorney and has practiced law for over 30 years, so that she could fulfill her desire to help others. As a special prosecutor, Mindy defended the underdog (literally) in cases of animal abuse. As a state attorney in Florida she fought for justice. During the last 25 years, Mindy met many wonderful people who did not know their rights, did not understand the law, and did not know what options were available.
Mindy assists families with Medicaid planning to help with the cost of nursing home care and with obtaining veteran’s benefits to make the cost of care more manageable. She also prepares wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and medical directives. Mindy is passionate about educating both other professionals and the public concerning VA Aid & Attendance benefits, Medicaid benefits, and the use of trusts for the protection of assets. She shares her experience and professional knowledge through free workshops, and as a frequent lecturer at State Bar Conferences.