Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers Founder, Mindy Felinton Encourages Procrastinators To Take Action Now With Coronavirus Threat At Large
Elder Care Attorney, Mindy Felinton knows that fear is a great motivator and wonders if the coronavirus is scary enough to get those who’ve been procrastinating about getting an estate and asset protection plan in place to take action.
Delray Beach, FL March 26, 2020: Mindy Felinton, founder of Felinton Elder Law & Estate Planning Centers, has posted a new blog on her law firm’s website entitled “Coronavirus Could Be The Motivation You Need To Take Care Of Important Business.” Ms. Felinton encourages readers to act on their fear in a positive direction.
Felinton writes, “Everyone is talking about it. The stock market is in a free fall from it. Countries are closing their borders because of it. People are hunkering down and hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer, conferences and music festivals around the world are being cancelled. Travel is coming to a halt.” “But,” she asks, “is the coronavirus scary enough to motivate you to create an estate and asset protection plan?”
As everyone knows and Felinton reminds her readers, “The elderly, whose health is somewhat compromised, are the most vulnerable in the face of this global health scare. But, no one is immune So, exactly what will it take to get you to take action so that in the event something happens your assets will go where you want them to go and your loved ones will not be unnecessarily burdened?”
The entire blog can be read at https://www.felintonlaw.com/coronavirus-could-be-the-motivation-you-need-to-take-care-of-important-business/
About Mindy Felinton
From a young age, Mindy wanted to be the voice that would make an impact in people’s lives. She became an attorney and has practiced law for over 30 years, so that she could fulfill her desire to help others. As a special prosecutor, Mindy defended the underdog (literally) in cases of animal abuse. As a state attorney in Florida she fought for justice. During the last 25 years, Mindy met many wonderful people who did not know their rights, did not understand the law, and did not know what options were available.
Mindy assists families with Medicaid planning to help with the cost of nursing home care and with obtaining veteran’s benefits to make the cost of care more manageable. She also prepares wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and medical directives. Mindy is passionate about educating both other professionals and the public concerning VA Aid & Attendance benefits, Medicaid benefits, and the use of trusts for the protection of assets. She shares her experience and professional knowledge through free workshops, and as a frequent lecturer at State Bar Conferences.