Entrepreneur Daniel Hamilton Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book, “Power Principles For Success – Volume 2”
Daniel Hamilton recently hit two Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new business book, “Power Principles For Success – Volume 2,” co-authored with best-selling author and speaker Brian Tracy.
New York, NY – December 31, 2014 – Health and nutrition advocate and entrepreneur Daniel Hamilton recently joined a select group of business leaders from around the world, along with best-selling author and speaker, Brian Tracy, to co-write the new book titled, Power Principles for Success, Volume 2: America’s PremierExperts® Share Their Biggest Success Secrets For a Life of Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperity. The book was released on December 18, 2014 by CelebrityPress™ – a leading business book publisher.
On the day of release, Power Principles for Success reached best-seller status in two Amazon.com categories – reaching as high as #5 in the “Direct Marketing” category. The book also reached best-seller status in the “Marketing” category. Daniel Hamilton contributed a chapter titled, “Learn, Set Goals and Take Action.”
Using his previous experiences and strong philosophy, Daniel Hamilton has helped grow health and nutrition company, YorHealth, into a multi-million dollar enterprise, sharing with thousands of individuals the power of creating self-change and becoming un-stuck in your life. Today, YorHealth has been ranked as the fastest growing Health and Nutrition company by the DSA in 2012. It has also been recognized by the INC 5000 as one of the fastest growing companies in America for 3 years in a row. Along with his wife, Cindy, they have together grown to be one of the top earners in the company and are dedicated to help the organization surpass the billion dollar mark.
Daniel has a passion for educating people on possibilities. He believes that not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur, but he also believes that it’s critically important that they are given the education to know anything is possible. He believes fulfilling your purpose must be greater than just surviving.
CelebrityPress™ describes the book:
The second edition of Power Principles for Success is a compilation of the thoughts of several business leaders who are recognized as America’s PremierExperts®. This book is loaded with practical, proven success principles you can use immediately to move ahead faster and achieve a life of greatness.
After such a successful release, Daniel Hamilton will once again be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.
Click HERE to order a copy of Power Principles for Success, Volume 2: America’s PremierExperts® Share Their Biggest Success Secrets For a Life of Health, Wealth, Happiness and Prosperity.
The royalties from this project will be donated to Entrepreneurs International Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating unique launch campaigns to raise money and awareness for charitable causes.
More About Daniel Hamilton:
Daniel has had a passion for entrepreneurship, leadership, and international business from a young age. In 2001, due to a chronic digestive problem called Crohn’s disease, Daniel’s college football dreams were cut short when he collapsed to heat exhaustion and almost lost his life. Growing up in a small farm town in Ohio, Daniel’s father always shared with him that while the farm work may be dirty and the hours may be long, working for you and no one else was the true path to happiness. Being able to live the life you want to live, instead of the life you have to live. This was a philosophy that Daniel adopted and remembered through every failure, growth and eventual success.
From there Daniel realized he needed to take a different path, and under the mentorship of several business leaders, as he opened his first company in technology sales where he began doing sales and development training in several cities in the Midwest and eventually different countries across the world. This experience enabled Daniel to understand the struggles and hardships of being an entrepreneur and what it takes to become successful at a young age.
Moving to New York City in search of more opportunities, Daniel was met with more challenges than he anticipated. Being forced to work multiple jobs at odd hours, his health rapidly declined, even putting him at 30lbs under his ideal weight. Luckily Dan met his future wife Cindy, who would eventually impact his life tremendously forever. Daniel was introduced to a company called YorHealth, which focuses primarily on digestive health and balance, which would spark a rapid change in his life. As his health gradually improved, he realized that his mission was to share his story and help the company impact many others looking to change their own lives as well.
When not traveling or working on his passions, Daniel is very active in Basketball and Australian Rules Football. His local Aussie Rules football team won Divisions 2 National Championship last year as part of the USAFL. Daniel and his wife enjoy the company of their English bulldogs Scarlet, Gray, and Carmen and passionately root for their favorite teams The Ohio State Buckeyes and Cleveland Browns.
Contact Daniel at http://www.yorhealth.com or [email protected]
About Celebrity Press™:
Celebrity Press™ is a leading business, health and wellness book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress™ has helped launch over 1500 best-selling authors to date.
Learn more at http://www.celebritypresspublishing.com